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The 38th meeting of the Scottish Microscopy Group will take place on November 24 in the IMS building, University of Aberdeen.
Invited speakers: Prof. Tibor Harkany (Aberdeen), Prof. Bram Koster (Leiden), Dr. Peter O'Toole (York), Dr. Evelyne Delbos (Aberdeen) and Dr. Alan Serrels (Edinburgh). See programme below.
Chair: Prof. Miep Helfrich, Aberdeen
10.30-11.15 Prof. Tibor Harkany, University of Aberdeen, UK
Advanced fluorescent imaging methods in neuroscience
11.15-12.00 Prof. Bram Koster, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
TEM tomography, state of the art and future prospects
12.00-12.15 Short talk from submitted abstracts, tba
12.15-14.00 Lunch in Atrium of IMS with Trade
exhibition and posters
Afternoon session
Chair: Dr. Laurence Tetley, Glasgow
14.00-14.45 Dr. Peter O'Toole, University of York, UK and Mr. Andy Yarwood, JEOL, UK
The Clairscope ASEM, instrument and applications
14.45-15.05 Dr. Evelyne Delbos, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen
Variable Pressure SEM, applications in analysis of soil and rock samples
15.05-15.15 Short talk from submitted abstracts, tba
15.15-15.45 Coffe/Tea break
Trade exhibition in Atrium
Poster display
15.45-16.15 Alan Serrels, CRUK Western general Hospital, Edinburgh
Imaging cancer cell migration and molecular dynamics in vivo
16.15-16.30 Short talk from submitted abstracts, tba
16.30 Prize giving, close of meeting
16.40 Drinks in Atrium
A substantial trade show will be held in the Atrium during the day. Most of the leading microscopy companies will exhibit (15 stands confirmed).
This is a fantastic opportunity to hear leaders in the field of neuroscience, TEM tomography, SEM imaging and live cell cancer imaging present their work on your doorstep. It is also an opportunity to showcase you work to them: consider submitting an abstract.
Registration costs are low (£30), including lunch and all refreshments, and are further discounted for students (£15)
For any further queries and registration form contact Debbie Wilkinson (
[hidden email]<mailto:
[hidden email]>) or Miep Helfrich (
[hidden email]<mailto:
[hidden email]>)
The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.