Second Announcement:13th International UBC 3D LiveCell Course, June 14-26, 2008

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James Pawley James Pawley
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Second Announcement:13th International UBC 3D LiveCell Course, June 14-26, 2008

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Hi all,

The applications for the Thirteenth Annual UBC Live-Cell Course are beginning to roll in but, in case my last announcement got lost in the Holiday Rush, I thought I would send the announcement out again.

If you haven't heard of the Course before, please go to (There is a PDF you can download or just read the page.)

or perhaps check out the alumni at  to see if there is anyone you know who might give you some feedback.

As usual there will be some new faces on the faculty this year. Here is the new list.

Holly Aaron             University of California-Berkeley, CA
Stephen Adams           University of California-San Diego, CA
Mark Cannell            University of Auckland, NZ
Steve Cody              Ludwig Institute, Melbourne, AU
Anda Cornea             Oregon Health-Sciences University
Ping Chin Cheng         SUNY-Buffalo, NY
Turan Erdogon           Semrock Inc., Rochester, NY
Hans Gerritsen          Utrecht University, NL
Kurt Haas                       University of British Columbia, BC
Stefan Hell             Max Planck Institute, Goettingen, DE
Iain Johnson            Molecular Probes, OR
Andres Kriete           Tissue Informatics, Pittsburgh, PA
Paul Kulesa             Stowers Institute, Kansas City, MO
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz    NIH, Bethesda, MD
Glen MacDonald          Virginia Bloedel Hearing Inst., WA
Felix Margadant         University of Sydney, AU
Robert Murphy           Carnegie-Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA
Tim Murphy              University of British Columbia, BC
Badri Roysam            Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY
Michael Weis            Agriculture Canada, BC

A draft listing of the program (based on 2007) can be found at

Hope to see you in Vancouver, next June.

Jim Pawley

Thirteenth Annual INTERNATIONAL 12-Day Short Course on 3D Microscopy of Living Cells, June 14 - 26, 2008 (Pre-course: June 16)

Twelfth, Post-course Workshop on 3D Image Processing,                                              June 29 -30

Organized by Prof. James Pawley, (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

in association with the Departments of Pharmacology and Physiology and the Brain Research Centre,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Applications must be received by                Saturday, March 15, 2008
Deposit due                             Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Registration 5:00 - 7:00 PM             Saturday, June 14, 2008
First Lecture 7:30 PM                   Saturday, June 14, 2008
Live-cell Course ends, noon                     Thursday, June 26, 2008
3D Image Processing Course,             Saturday, June 28 - Monday, June 30, 2008              


Applicants must complete a questionnaire on the web to assess knowledge level, field of interest and proposed personal, live-cell, project. But don't let this put you off: if you plan to use 3D microscopy on living cells, we can usually find a way to make it work.

Enrollment will be limited to about 36 participants (exact number depends on number of 3D Systems available).  Selection will be made on the basis of background and perceived need.  Those without previous LM experience will be provided with access to basic texts to read before the course begins.  Application forms may be down-loaded from the WWW site at, or obtained from:
Prof. James B. Pawley,                                  Ph.  608-263-3147
Room 223, Zoology Research Building,                    FAX  608-265-5315
250 N. Mills Street, Madison, WI, 53706                 [hidden email]

Additional information is available from:  and links.

We expect to have at least 13, 3D microscope workstations for student use and there will be an international faculty of more than 20.

I hope that this includes all of the information that you need, but if not, please get back to me.
Jim Pawley
Prof. James B. Pawley,                             Ph.  608-263-3147 
Room 223, Zoology Research Building,                         FAX  608-262-9083
250 N. Mills St., Madison, WI, 53706  [hidden email]
"A scientist is not one who can answer questions but one who can
question answers."  Theodore Schick Jr., Skeptical Enquirer, 21-2:39