Sources for multi-labeled test slides

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leavesley leavesley
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Sources for multi-labeled test slides

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Hi All,

Here we are working from home - freezer in lab being defrosted - cells
frozen down, and still trying to collaborate to send some samples for
microscope/system testing to another lab.  Does anyone have suggestions
for pre-prepped / pre-mounted fluorescence slides that have more than 3
labels - if there are such slides out there for purchase?  Right now we
are just looking for some type of test slide that we can send around to
a couple different labs and get images from, but if possible we are
looking for one with more than 3 labels to test some of the spectral
capabilities of systems at these labs.  Thanks!

Best regards,


Silas J. Leavesley, Ph.D.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Lung Biology
University of South Alabama
150 Jaguar Drive, SH4129
Mobile, AL 36688
ph: (251)-460-6160
fax: (251)-461-1485
Rhonda Powell Rhonda Powell
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Re: Sources for multi-labeled test slides

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We do in our Microprints store!

Of course, I'm not really allowed on campus right now to make you one, but feel free to email us [hidden email] to get some more information about when we might be able to get some to you!


Rhonda Reigers Powell
Research Lab Manager
Clemson University, Division of Research
190 Collings Street
Life Sciences Facility, Room G024/G030
Clemson SC 29634
P: 864-656-1264

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of Silas Leavesley
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 4:21 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Sources for multi-labeled test slides

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Hi All,

Here we are working from home - freezer in lab being defrosted - cells frozen down, and still trying to collaborate to send some samples for microscope/system testing to another lab.  Does anyone have suggestions for pre-prepped / pre-mounted fluorescence slides that have more than 3 labels - if there are such slides out there for purchase?  Right now we are just looking for some type of test slide that we can send around to a couple different labs and get images from, but if possible we are looking for one with more than 3 labels to test some of the spectral capabilities of systems at these labs.  Thanks!

Best regards,


Silas J. Leavesley, Ph.D.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department of Pharmacology Center for Lung Biology University of South Alabama
150 Jaguar Drive, SH4129
Mobile, AL 36688
ph: (251)-460-6160
fax: (251)-461-1485
George McNamara George McNamara
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Re: Sources for multi-labeled test slides

In reply to this post by leavesley
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Hi Silas,

Carolina Biological Supply mixed desmids microscope slide has more than
three ... exact number not known to me (the mounting medium not slightly
fluorescent too)

three mixed diatoms slides (whole mount, not cleared - see p.s.) at

'CBS' did not have any hits for Convallaria (the classic Zeiss and Leica
confocal service engineer calibration slide ... maybe each of your sites
can get a Z or L service engineer to visit to tune up any of those
brands confocal?)

Spherotech offers various >3 fluorophore particle (aka microbeads)
slides (also availabile in suspension for flow cytometry),

of which I'll note two (of course can also be used for transmitted light
and reflected light confocal):

* Ultra Rainbow ... 8 plex ... for example, FPS-5057-UR5, 5 intensities,
~5 um diameter each

* FPMAS ... 9 plex.

My thanks to Bo Faust, PhD, Olympus Corp, for pointing out the FPMAS
slide is 9plex (blue to NIR). Formats at


p.s. cleared diatoms ... 8 form test plate ... for testing microscope
objectives ... is in the first section of

Very nice for transmitted light oil immersion objective + condenser
lens, or much more simply for those with a confocal microscope,
reflected light confocal imaging ... 405 nm vs 640 (or 638 or 647 nm,
etc) ... also opportunity to compare (best to note the 'real life'
diameter, since for single wavelength acquisition, Airy value changes):

* 1 Airy unit

* Jeff Reese's confocal sweet spot (really range) 0.6 - 0.7 Airy unit

* my simplification: confocal sweetest spot 0.666 Airy unit (not that
either FV3000RS or SP8 show third digit)

* 0.5 Airy unit ... a nice round number.

* 0.2 ... or "as small as your pinhole goes"

I also note that reflection confocal works very nicely at the coverglass
(and slide), each laser line can sequentially, on every slide mentioned
above, and also very nice for interference reflection confocal
microscopy of the "underside" of cells (focal and close contacts).

On 3/31/2020 4:21 PM, Silas Leavesley wrote:

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> Post images on and include the link in your posting.
> *****
> Hi All,
> Here we are working from home - freezer in lab being defrosted - cells
> frozen down, and still trying to collaborate to send some samples for
> microscope/system testing to another lab.  Does anyone have
> suggestions for pre-prepped / pre-mounted fluorescence slides that
> have more than 3 labels - if there are such slides out there for
> purchase?  Right now we are just looking for some type of test slide
> that we can send around to a couple different labs and get images
> from, but if possible we are looking for one with more than 3 labels
> to test some of the spectral capabilities of systems at these labs. 
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Silas
James Muller James Muller
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Re: Sources for multi-labeled test slides

In reply to this post by leavesley
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Invitrogen sells a number of different calibration slides of fixed BPAE
cells and tissue sections stained with multiple probes (No
commercial interest)

All the best,

James Muller

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 4:24 PM Silas Leavesley <[hidden email]>

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> Post images on and include the link in your posting.
> *****
> Hi All,
> Here we are working from home - freezer in lab being defrosted - cells
> frozen down, and still trying to collaborate to send some samples for
> microscope/system testing to another lab.  Does anyone have suggestions
> for pre-prepped / pre-mounted fluorescence slides that have more than 3
> labels - if there are such slides out there for purchase?  Right now we
> are just looking for some type of test slide that we can send around to
> a couple different labs and get images from, but if possible we are
> looking for one with more than 3 labels to test some of the spectral
> capabilities of systems at these labs.  Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Silas
> --
> Silas J. Leavesley, Ph.D.
> Professor
> Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
> Department of Pharmacology
> Center for Lung Biology
> University of South Alabama
> 150 Jaguar Drive, SH4129
> Mobile, AL 36688
> ph: (251)-460-6160
> fax: (251)-461-1485
> web:
darren.thomson darren.thomson
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Re: Sources for multi-labeled test slides

In reply to this post by leavesley
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Hi Silas, we use the TetraSpeck beads, 4 colours and beads range from 0.1um to 4um
I think they are ~£350 for the slide.

Best wishes,

Darren Thomson
University of Manchester, UK
From: Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] on behalf of Silas Leavesley [[hidden email]]
Sent: 31 March 2020 21:21
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Sources for multi-labeled test slides

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Hi All,

Here we are working from home - freezer in lab being defrosted - cells
frozen down, and still trying to collaborate to send some samples for
microscope/system testing to another lab.  Does anyone have suggestions
for pre-prepped / pre-mounted fluorescence slides that have more than 3
labels - if there are such slides out there for purchase?  Right now we
are just looking for some type of test slide that we can send around to
a couple different labs and get images from, but if possible we are
looking for one with more than 3 labels to test some of the spectral
capabilities of systems at these labs.  Thanks!

Best regards,


Silas J. Leavesley, Ph.D.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Lung Biology
University of South Alabama
150 Jaguar Drive, SH4129
Mobile, AL 36688
ph: (251)-460-6160
fax: (251)-461-1485
Wai Chan Wai Chan
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Re: Sources for multi-labeled test slides

In reply to this post by leavesley
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Hi Silas

Ward's has a Lilium stem cross section that is quadruple stained with safranin o, fast green, crystal violet, and orange g. These histological stains have rather broad emission. Currently, it costs about $8. It is listed as 470176-886 but mine is 91 V 7204.  It is similar to the Convallaria slide mentioned before. Cheers!
