Southeastern Microscopy Society annual meeting

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Amanda M. Lawrence Amanda M. Lawrence
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Southeastern Microscopy Society annual meeting

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Dear Listers,

Everyone is invited to attend the Southeastern Microscopy Society
(SEMS) annual meeting in sunny, warm, white sandy beach, Pensacola
Beach, Florida April 16-18, 2008.  

Please see the SEMS website for

Invited Speakers:
Dr. Elaine Schumacher, McCrone Institute
Dr. Alan W Nicholls, PhD, The University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Ingeborg Schmidt-Krey, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA
Dr. Byung-Ho Kang, University of Florida

Banquet Speaker:
Dr. Charles Mims, University of Georgia

Tutorials and Demonstrations:
Marine Reef International- Hitachi Tabletop SEM
JEOL-Remote access SEM and TEM
*Cryoultramicrotomy Techniques & Applications in Biological &
Materials Science*-Sponsored by Boeckler/RMC

Tour of McSwain Engineering, Pensacola, Florida, and Demonstration of
Hitachi S-3400N and S-3700N microscopes.  Sponsored by Hitachi HTA

Platform Presentations:
Silicon Drift Detectors - The Future of X-Ray Microanalysis
Raman Spectrometry in Biological Analysis
The Four A*s of imaging, Analysis, Automation, Acquisition, and Art:
Getting the most out of your digital images
3-D reconstruction of FIB manipulated materials
What you can do with a Variable Pressure SEM
Quantum Dots -TEM Applications

Bruker Optics .
Bruker AXS
Marine Reef International
Zeiss SMT
Hitachi HTA
SEMTech Solutions
Boeckeler Instruments
S. Bryant Inc
Nano and More

Ruska Competition:
Established as a tribute to Ernst and Helmut Ruska, students compete
for best presentations in the biological and/or physical sciences.
Winners are presented with a plaque and monetary award.

Art Competition:
Prizes for the best light, SEM, and TEM photos.

Contributed papers are welcome.  The deadline for abstract submission
is March 10, 2008, and abstracts may be sent to  [hidden email] or
[hidden email].  Registration deadline is March 16, 2008.

Hope to see you there!

Robert Simmons, President
Giselle Thibaudeau, President-Elect
John Shields and Charles Humphrey, Program Chairs
Bill Monroe, Amanda Lawrence, Cynthia Goldsmith - LAC