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Dear Friends,
We invite you to submit a manuscript for the special issue on the topic of multiphoton microscopy in the Journal of Biomedical Optics. Due date September 1, 2019.
All Submissions will be Peer Reviewed.
Peer review will commence immediately upon manuscript submission.
Due date will not be extended.
Expected online publication as soon as its peer reviewed and accepted for publication, on or before January 2020.
Important: Due date for manuscript submission on or before September 1, 2019; Please visit the listed link below to see the details and submit an original article.
https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/journals/journal-of-biomedical-optics/call-for-papers?SSO=1#navBarAnchorTopics include:
* Multiphoton technology development
* Laser for multiphoton microscopy
* Pump-probe microscopy
* Multiphoton Tomography
* Coherent AntiStokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS)
* Clinical multiphoton studies
* Multiphoton endoscopy
* In vivo/Intravital multiphoton imaging in small animals
* Autofluorescence imaging (NADH, FAD, tryptophan, elastin, keratin, collagen)
* Multiphoton optical metabolic imaging
* Harmonic generation microscopy (SHG, THG) and its applications
* Multiphoton FLIM/FRET/FCS technology development and its applications
We expect you to submit very interesting original articles.
Best wishes,
Ammasi Periasamy, Karsten Koenig and Peter So,
Guest Editors.
Dr. Ammasi Periasamy
Center Director, WM Keck Center for Cellular Imaging,
Prof. of Biology & Biomed. Eng., University of Virginia,
Physical & Life Sciences Building (PLSB 005)
90 Geldard Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA.
http://www.kcci.virginia.edu/people/profile/ap3tPhone: (434) 243-7602 or 982-4869
Fax: (434) 982-5210
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19th Annual FRET & FLIM Workshop-March 09-13, 2020.