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Staining techniques

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Soledad Villamil Soledad Villamil
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Staining techniques

Dear listers,

I am a PhD Student in Entomology. I am trying to determine if the flies that I caught in the field are mated or not. I have MANY specimens (hundreds) in 70% alcohol and it is not easy finding the sperm. Fresh specimens are a piece of cake, but preserved ones are giving me a hard time. The big problem I have is that all the studies I find about staining sperm stain live samples to determine viability. The only other staining technique that I know has been used successfully is one with DAPI but this technique involves use of a fluorescence microscope (which we do not have in the lab). This means I have to do the dissections in my lab and then go to another lab to look at them. On top of that, the stain only lasts 30' so I could only work with about 5 slides at a time (that'll take forever!). This technique will be my last resort but I would like to find something that would be more efficient (and maybe even semipermanent...).

Any suggestions? Does anybody know how to stain preserved sperm? I have found Mayer's alcoholic cochineal suggested but I am not sure if it really does work.

Thank you for your time, Soledad.

Soledad C. Villamil, MSc
PhD Candidate
Department of Entomology
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752 2592
[hidden email]