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Starch-stearic acid

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Alan Hall Alan Hall
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Starch-stearic acid

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal

I have a student that wants to image starch-paste and stearic acid.  The aim is to show the starch granules coated with stearic acid.  We have tried FITC to stain the starch, but that gives a very high background.  For the stearic acid we used Nile red.


All suggestions and comments will be appreciated.


Alan Hall



Laboratory for Microscopy & Microanalysis

Room1-33, Natural Sciences 2

University of Pretoria

Lynnwood Road



Tel: +27 12 4202075

Fax: +27 12 3625150

Mobile: +27 82 3319040



Rosemary.White Rosemary.White
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Re: Starch-stearic acid

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Re: Starch-stearic acid Why not just stain the stearic acid with nile red and don’t worry about the starch.  You will be able to see the starch grains in the transmitted light image very easily.  
We were imaging amyloplasts (on confocal) isolated from fresh tissue using FM 4-64 to detect intact membranes, quite easy to do, you don’t really have to stain the starch with anything. They were very distinct in the transmitted light image.

p.s. go Crusaders!

Rosemary White                    [hidden email]
CSIRO Plant Industry            ph.     61 (0)2-6246 5475
GPO Box 1600                       fax.     61 (0)2-6246 5334
Canberra, ACT 2601            

On 30/5/08 5:54 PM, "Alan Hall" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
I have a student that wants to image starch-paste and stearic acid.  The aim is to show the starch granules coated with stearic acid.  We have tried FITC to stain the starch, but that gives a very high background.  For the stearic acid we used Nile red.
All suggestions and comments will be appreciated.
Alan Hall
Laboratory for Microscopy & Microanalysis
Room1-33, Natural Sciences 2
University of Pretoria
Lynnwood Road
Tel: +27 12 4202075
Fax: +27 12 3625150
Mobile: +27 82 3319040


heckman@bgnet.bgsu.edu heckman@bgnet.bgsu.edu
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Re: Starch-stearic acid

In reply to this post by Alan Hall
Search the CONFOCAL archive at

I think Feulgen will turn starch a purplish color.  It was a
complication we found, when students in my course were trying to stain
DNA.  I think you could find a reference in old books on histology
Carol Heckman
Bowling Green State University
Tobias Baskin Tobias Baskin
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Re: Starch-stearic acid

In reply to this post by Rosemary.White
Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Re: Starch-stearic acid

For that matter, startch grains show up unmistakably in polarized light. And if the stearic acid binds in an orderly way to the starch, who knows, you might get a distinct ring-around-the-grain effect!


Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Why not just stain the stearic acid with nile red and don't worry about the starch.  You will be able to see the starch grains in the transmitted light image very easily.  
We were imaging amyloplasts (on confocal) isolated from fresh tissue using FM 4-64 to detect intact membranes, quite easy to do, you don't really have to stain the starch with anything. They were very distinct in the transmitted light image.

p.s. go Crusaders!

Rosemary White                    rosemary.white@csiro.au
CSIRO Plant Industry            ph.     61 (0)2-6246 5475
GPO Box 1600                       fax.     61 (0)2-6246 5334
Canberra, ACT 2601            

On 30/5/08 5:54 PM, "Alan Hall" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
I have a student that wants to image starch-paste and stearic acid.  The aim is to show the starch granules coated with stearic acid.  We have tried FITC to stain the starch, but that gives a very high background.  For the stearic acid we used Nile red.
All suggestions and comments will be appreciated.
Alan Hall
Laboratory for Microscopy & Microanalysis
Room1-33, Natural Sciences 2
University of Pretoria
Lynnwood Road
Tel: +27 12 4202075
Fax: +27 12 3625150
Mobile: +27 82 3319040


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Guy Cox Guy Cox
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Re: Starch-stearic acid

In reply to this post by Alan Hall
Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
If you have acces to a 2-photon system, starch gives a very stong second harmonic signal.  See Guy Cox, Nuno Moreno & José Feijó, 2005. Second harmonic imaging of plant polysaccharides.  Journal of Biomedical Optics 10, 024013_1-6



Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology
by Guy Cox    CRC Press / Taylor & Francis
Associate Professor Guy Cox, MA, DPhil(Oxon)
Electron Microscope Unit, Madsen Building F09,
University of Sydney, NSW 2006
Phone +61 2 9351 3176     Fax +61 2 9351 7682
Mobile 0413 281 861

From: Confocal Microscopy List on behalf of Alan Hall
Sent: Fri 08/05/30 5:54 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Starch-stearic acid

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal

I have a student that wants to image starch-paste and stearic acid.  The aim is to show the starch granules coated with stearic acid.  We have tried FITC to stain the starch, but that gives a very high background.  For the stearic acid we used Nile red.


All suggestions and comments will be appreciated.


Alan Hall



Laboratory for Microscopy & Microanalysis

Room1-33, Natural Sciences 2

University of Pretoria

Lynnwood Road



Tel: +27 12 4202075

Fax: +27 12 3625150

Mobile: +27 82 3319040



Elizabeth Nickless Elizabeth Nickless
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Re: Starch-stearic acid

In reply to this post by Alan Hall
Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
I have tried several techniques to try and get good images from starch and other polysaccahrides within food samples.  If the starch grains are intact or even fairly intact they can show up using transmission mode as the mebranes are still visible but it is not that easy to see them in some cases.  I have had some success with lectin probes but it is a bit variable depending on other substances in the sample. I am not sure with your case. And there is a feulgens method which you can use if the treatment is not going to affect your sample as you have to hydrolyse first.
Using polarised light only seems to work well when your sample is well dispersed and the grains still intact, it is very hard to see them in denser samples.

From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Alan Hall
Sent: Friday, 30 May 2008 7:55 p.m.
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Starch-stearic acid

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal

I have a student that wants to image starch-paste and stearic acid.  The aim is to show the starch granules coated with stearic acid.  We have tried FITC to stain the starch, but that gives a very high background.  For the stearic acid we used Nile red.


All suggestions and comments will be appreciated.


Alan Hall



Laboratory for Microscopy & Microanalysis

Room1-33, Natural Sciences 2

University of Pretoria

Lynnwood Road



Tel: +27 12 4202075

Fax: +27 12 3625150

Mobile: +27 82 3319040



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