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Hello all,
As almost always happens, several students, who were originally
Accepted into the 16th UBC Live-Cell Course, have now found that, for
a variety of reasons, they will not be able to attend after all.
This means that we now have room for at least 2 more students.
If you are interested, please go to: (
and look around.
The program can be found at
http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/2011/docs/program/1page.pdfThere you will find, for instance, 6 hours of lectures by world
experts on every aspect of fluorescent dyes related to live-cell
imaging as well as the "normal" lectures on all the new methods of
live-cell fluorescence imaging and the computer methods needed to
evaluate and display 3D, 4D and 5D data sets.
The UBC Course is a very practical course with lots of lectures by
scientists actively working at the frontiers of modern cell- and
neurobiology and 14, 2-hour labs in which small groups of students
will perform live-cell studies using 3D imaging equipment from all
the major and most of the minor manufacturers.
The Faculty page (with links) can be found at
http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/2011/public.php?page=faculty_galleryAn application form can be found at
But please don't delay. Confirmed students have already received
reading assignments and been placed into 4-person groups to start
planning their live-cell projects. To get the full benefit from this
Course, students need to join this process as near to the beginning
as is possible.
And if you one of the almost 500 Alumni who have taken the Course in
the past, please pass this information on to others who you think
might benefit from joining us.
Jim Pawley
Prof. James B. Pawley, Ph.
21. N. Prospect Ave. Madison, WI 53726 USA
[hidden email]
3D Microscopy of Living Cells Course, June 11-23, 2011, UBC, Vancouver Canada
http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/ Applications still
being accepted
"If it ain't diffraction, it must be statistics." Anon.