Subject: Femtosecond excitation for 2-photon microscopy now available from Leica Microsystems ***COMMERCIAL POSTING***

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Dr. Martin Hoppe Dr. Martin Hoppe
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Subject: Femtosecond excitation for 2-photon microscopy now available from Leica Microsystems ***COMMERCIAL POSTING***

Dear All,

It is our pleasure to communicate that Leica Microsystems customers wishing
to perform two-photon microscopy experiments can now choose between
picosecond excitation and femtosecond excitation.  The implementation of
the femtosecond laser to the Leica TCS SP5 Confocal platform, including our
Confocal Fixed Stage system, will expand especially the applications in
deep tissue imaging. Should you have questions regarding this new addition
to Leica Microsystems spectral confocal line, please feel free to contact

The use of lasers with SUB-PICOSECOND pulses for two-photon microscopy is
protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,034,613. This technology can be integrated
in LEICA laser scanning microscopes TCS SP5 under a license from Carl Zeiss
MicroImaging GmbH and Cornell Research Foundation Inc.

Best regards

Martin Hoppe, Ph.D.
Head of Market Management & Sales Support
Life Science Division

Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH
Am Friedensplatz 3 | 68165 Mannheim (Germany)
Phone : +49 621 7028 1100 | Fax : +49 621 7028 1180
Cell: +49 172 623 0409

Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH  | GmbH mit Sitz in Wetzlar | Amtsgericht
Wetzlar  HRB 2432
Geschäftsführer : Dr. Stefan Traeger | Dr. David R. Martyr | Colin Davis |
Dr. Wolf-Otto Reuter

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