*Commercial Interest*
STimulated Emission Depletion (STED)
Super-resolution Seminar and Workshop
Hosted at the NIH – January 29 to February 20, 2009
Please join us at the NIH for a seminar and workshop to explore the
implementation of Stefan Hell’s award-winning invention of STimulated
Emission and Depletion (STED). This technique is now implemented on the
Leica TCS STED confocal and multi-photon platform to enable the resolution
of structures below 100nm.
This event is kicked-off with seminar presentations, including Dr. Hell, in
the Lipsett Amphitheater - Building 10:
Seminar Date: Thursday, January 29th
10:00am to 10:45am
Dr. Tanjef Szellas
STED, Product Manager
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
10:45am to 12:15pm
Dr. Stefan Hell
Director, Biophysical Chemistry
Max Planck Institute
Workshop Details:
The Leica TCS STED will be on the NIH campus from January 29th until
February 20th, 2009. Please contact us to schedule a workshop date / time
to witness super-resolution first hand. Email
[hidden email]
Very best regards,
The Leica Microsystems Team
Chris Vega
Product Marketing Manager - Confocal Microscopy
Life Science Division
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Living up to Life
(800) 248-0123
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