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Leica has organized a web-seminar in March that may be of interest to you:
Beyond the Diffraction Limit: Advances and Applications of Super-resolution
Date: 28 March 2012
Time: 1:00pm EDT
Duration: 60 minutes
http://www.biotechniques.com/multimedia/webinars/?artId=327465Super-resolution imaging is expanding our understanding of cellular structures
and protein dynamics. First suggested more than 20 years ago, fluorescence
techniques capable of resolution in the tens of nanometer range are becoming
increasingly commonplace today. In this special web seminar, viewers will learn
the basic principles behind several of the most commonly used super-resolution
imaging techniques (STED, PALM, STORM, and GSD), hear specific examples
where super-resolution approaches have provided unique biological insights,
and get a glimpse of what the future holds for super-resolution studies.
[Please note that if the url above gets cut onto the next line, you will
need to merge it]
Very best regards,
Lon Nelson
Director of Marketing Management
Leica Microsystems, Inc.
Living up to Life
(847) 317-7218
(800) 248-0123
[hidden email]