SuperResolution Postdoc position

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Nuno Moreno Nuno Moreno
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SuperResolution Postdoc position

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Dear List Members and colleagues,

The Gulbenkinan Institute is seeking for a highly motivated postdoc to work with several research groups to implementing methodologies for super-resolution imaging.  Selected candidate will be  integrated in a multi-disciplinary team and will have the opportunity to work with state of the art microscopy hardware and data analysis resources.

We offer a fantastic environment and the possibility to work with several different biological question (check for institute and for the imaging unit website). Furthermore, the selected candidate will also have the opportunity to interact with key international collaborators (eg Quantitative imaging and Nanobiophysics group - University College of London and Wageningen MicroSpectroscopy Centre).  Duration can go up to 3 years.

The following characteristics will be taken into account:
.Hands-On experience in Optical Microscopy
.Scientific programming (e.g. Python, C++, Matlab or Java)
.Experience in immuno-fluorescence protocols
.A true commitment to learn, explore, innovate & develop new skills
.A strong wish to share and synergize your expertise with all members of the imaging facility

This position is available as part of the project RECI/BEX-BCM/0083/2012 funded by the portuguese government, with a salary equivalent to postdoc level (1450 euros/month). For portuguese comparative price index please check.

Motivation letter, CV and the names of up to three referees should be addressed to Olena Shydenko <[hidden email]>

Informal enquiries may be addressed to [hidden email]

Kind regards,
Nuno Moreno, PhD
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência