Superresolution Microscopy Workshop - 26-30th March 2012

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Graham Wright Graham Wright
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Superresolution Microscopy Workshop - 26-30th March 2012

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Dear all,

The Institute of Medical Biology Microscopy Unit (IMU) will be running a
Superresolution Microscopy Workshop in Singapore (just prior to the FOM
meeting) from 26-30th March 2012. The workshop will consist of seminars and
practicals over the 5 day period.

Please see the poster at:

*The topics to be covered include:*
- Structured illumination
- Image processing for superresolution
- 3D superresolution microscopy
- OMX microscope
- Application

*The instructors on the course include:*
Hari Shroff (NIH, USA), Ernst Stelzer (Goethe Univ. Frankfurt, Germany),
Pakorn Kanchanawong (MBI, Singapore), Lothar Schermelleh (Oxford Univ.,
UK), Juergen Neumann (Univ. Meunchen, Germany), Markus Posch (Dundee Univ.,
Scotland), Atsushi Matsuda (Osaka Univ., Japan), Roger Wepf (ETH,
Switzerland), Felix Margadant (MBI, Singapore), Edna Hu (MBI, Singapore),
Markus Sauer (Univ. Wuzburg, Germany), Sohail Ahmed (IMB, Singapore),
Graham Wright (IMB, Singapore), Srivats Hariharan (IMB, Singapore).

For further information and details of registration and the fees contact
[hidden email]

Graham Wright

*Dr Graham Wright*
Microscopy Unit Manager

Institute of Medical Biology
8A Biomedical Grove, #06-06 Immunos, Singapore 138648

O:   +65 6407 0167
E:   [hidden email]