Search the CONFOCAL archive at Alan,
there are many possible ways to label starch granules. The easiest way is to use polarised light. Starch als exhibits strong SHG. More methods are shown in the following article: Andreas Blennow, Michael Hansen, Alexander Schulz, Kirsten Jørgensen, Athene M. Donald and James Sanderson, The molecular deposition of transgenically modified starch in the starch granule as imaged by functional microscopy ; Journal of Structural Biology
Volume 143, Issue 3, September 2003, Pages 229-241 ,
Dagmar A. Brüggemann
Vice Director LMC Centre AFI
Faculty of Life Science
University of Copenhagen
Rolighedsvej 30,3 tv
DK 1958 Frederiksberg C
+ 45 4533 3248
>>> Lloyd Donaldson <
[hidden email]> 02-06-08 21:54 >>>
Search the CONFOCAL archive at Alan
Periodic acid Schiff reagent (PAS) will stain starch grains with
fluorescence in the red or far red. You might be able to distinguish it
from the nile red.
Dr Lloyd Donaldson - Senior Scientist
Cellwall Biotechnology Centre
SCION - Next generation biomaterials
Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, 49 Sala Street
Private Bag 3020, ROTORUA, New Zealand
DDI 64 7 343 5581
Fax 64 7 343 5507
[hidden email]
I have a student that wants to image starch-paste and stearic acid. The
aim is to show the starch granules coated with stearic acid. We have tried
FITC to stain the starch, but that gives a very high background. For the
stearic acid we used Nile red.
All suggestions and comments will be appreciated.
Alan Hall
Laboratory for Microscopy & Microanalysis
Room1-33, Natural Sciences 2
University of Pretoria
Lynnwood Road
Tel: +27 12 4202075
Fax: +27 12 3625150
Mobile: +27 82 3319040