TILL Photonics Z-series

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Shane-33 Shane-33
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TILL Photonics Z-series

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I'm trying to follow the instruction TILL Vision (v4.01) manual (Ch 17) to
acquire Z-series data from tetraspeck beads but I am completely stuck at the
configuring autofocus step and I can't find the "ZScan" dialog box.  

I've only used our system in it's most basic widefield mode even though
we've had it for 7 years so I'm going back to school here - the system is:
Leica DMIRB, TILL Vision, Polychrome IV, PiFOC and IMAGO QE.

If anyone in the London UK area is an expert with this setup then I would be
prepared to cover your costs and a small consultancy fee for an on-site lesson.

Many thanks,


P.S. I've also emailed TILL Support.