TIRF objective for routine imaging

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James Pawley James Pawley
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Re: TIRF objective for routine imaging

Re: TIRF objective for routine imaging
Hello Jim,

Thanks for filling me in on the subject, it was as clear and concise as I could have asked for. Could you give an example of the loss in spacial resolution the 40x would have compared to the 60x or 100x assuming the N.A (which being 1.3 theoretically should have a optical resolution of 0.2115 um at 0.550 um) is the same.

Thank again!


Hi Pete,

It all depends on the optics.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

Most confocals use the end of a single-mode fiber as the virtual point illumination source. The light leaving the tip of such a fiber forms a cone of expanding spherical waves, centered on the tip. The cone angle is determined by the NA of the fiber (Yes, fibers have them too. Depends on their size and the RI of the core and cladding.) and the wavelength of the light (longer wavelength, wider angle).

At any plane perpendicular to the axis of this cone, the light pattern resembles an Airy Pattern with a bright central maximum and fainter rings. If you place a lens along this axis, positioned so that it is one focal length from the end of the fiber, at that location the cone will be converted into a parallel beam that also looks like an Airy Disk in cross section. If it is a good Airy disk (nicely polished fiber, no dust etc.), about 80% of the total light will be in the central spot and the intensity distribution of the light in this central spot will have close to Gaussian in profile. As the beam is parallel, it will progress through the various mirrors, dichroics and filters without much change, eventually arriving at the BPF of the objective (OK, not quite. There is a tube lens in there somewhere, so what I really mean is that the effect of the tube lens plus the parallelizing lens that I described as being "one focal length from the fiber tip," will together provide a parallel beam in the objective BFP.)

An aperture may be used at this point to remove the 20% of the light in the outer Airy rings. The size of this aperture and of the more-or-less Gaussian central maximum will be proportional to the focal length of the parallelizing/tube lens combination because, with a longer focal length, the cone will have expanded more before it is made parallel.

If you set things up to make the aperture/central-beam-diameter the same as the entrance pupil of the objective (basically the entrance pupil is the diameter of the objective's BFP), then the objective will be "filled" with a quasi-Gausian beam. As such a beam has lower intensity for the high-NA rays than would be the case if it were illuminated with a "uniform parallel plane wave" (the magical wave we see in the optics textbooks), the focus in the specimen will be closer to a Gaussian than to an Airy Disk: no rings but with the diameter of the central spot slightly larger (Any perfect lens converts the light pattern at its BFP into the Fourier Transform of this pattern in the focal (image) plane, and the maths say that the Fourier Transform on any Gaussian is another Gaussian).

On the other hand, if the central spot of the parallel light beam is say, 10x larger than the entrance pupil of the objective, then the intensity will be approximately constant across the entire BFP and you will get an Airy disk of the size and shape predicted by the Abbe Equation. The only problem is that about 85% of the laser light will be "wasted" (i.e.,"not in the final beam" implying the need for a somewhat larger laser, and in addition the excess light may produce a stray light problem.)

From this you see that merely saying that a beam "fills the BFP" is really not very precise: Do you mean "just fills with a quasi Gaussian" or "overfills" and if so by how much? (and all this assumes that everything is properly aligned and the center of the Gaussian spot really does coincide with the optical axis etc.)

From all this, you can see that, if you want to change the size of this beam at the BFP, you need to change both the position and focal length of the parallelizing/tube lens system (i.e., you need a zoom lens). Furthermore, you want to do this in a way that works for all the laser wavelengths that you plan to use (i.e., you need a zoom lens with no aberrations). Not a simple task. As Guy mentions, Leica does this, at least to some extent. Perhaps he will be willing to tell us how they do it, and the the BFP-beam diameter and wavelength range over which it operates. Maybe even what compromises are employed?

(Over to you Guy!)

As far as "How much will this sort of problem reduce resolution?" Well, a shortish answer might start by splitting it into x-y resolution and z-resolution.

x-y resolution,

Because the light signal comes from a volume of the specimen that "has been imaged twice," the x-y resolution of a "truly confocal" microscope yields an effective Airy spot only about 0.707 as wide as one would get using the same optics for wide-field imaging (i.e, 1.4x "better" resolution). However, this only occurs if you use a VERY small pinhole (say 0.1 Airy units), and, as such a small pinhole implies throwing away about 98% of the signal in the central spot, in biology we can virtually never take advantage of this possible resolution increase. As a result, the x-y resolution is essentially the same as that with widefield. In other words, as long as the "signal-collection" pathway is operating at full NA and using a pinhole smaller than one Airy Unit, the collection path will determine the x-y resolution, (almost) regardless of how big the illuminating beam might be because of an underfilled illumination pupil.

On the other hand, there is still a price to pay: you will be illuminating a large spot but only collecting signal from a smaller spot in the center of the illumination, as constrained by the "signal-collection" optics. i.e. you will be creating a lot more damage than you need to. Of course, you could open the pinhole wider so that signal from the entire, larger illuminated spot passes through the pinhole. Then you would collect all the signal you were exciting but the x-y resolution will now be determined by the large pinhole aperture and will be roughly what you would expect had you used an objective with an NA the same as that which you actually "filled" (i.e., BAD!).


As Z-resolution is inversely proportional to (NA)*2, it will be even more seriously affected by having an underfilled objective.

Z-resolution =          k        
                (NA1) (NA2)

where   k is a constant,
        NA1 is the effective NA on the "underfilled," illumination side
        NA2 is the full NA on the imaging side.

Suppose we compare a 40x NA 1.2 to a 100x NA 1.2. Assuming that the illumination optics just fills the pupil of the latter with a Gaussian beam, then for the 100x, NA1 equal NA2 and we get "full z-resolution" for this optical set up (other variables hidden in "k" include wavelength, pinhole size, freedom from aberration etc).

For the 40x, however, NA1 is 2.5x smaller than NA2 and therefore, we would expect that the z-resolution would be 2.5 worse (larger).

Were you to open the collection pinhole to collect "all" of the in-focus" signal from the larger illuminated spot (as described above), the z-resolution would be about 6.25x worse.

Although this math would not "cut the mustard" at OPTIK, I think it gives a useful approximation of the likely results.


Jim P.
Prof. James B. Pawley,                                     Ph.  608-263-3147 
Room 223, Zoology Research Building,                                  FAX  608-265-5315
1117 Johnson Ave., Madison, WI, 53706                                [hidden email]
3D Microscopy of Living Cells Course, June 12-24, 2010, UBC, Vancouver Canada
Info: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/                Applications still being accepted
               "If it ain't diffraction, it must be statistics." Anon.

On Mar 23, 2010, at 19:37 PM, James Pawley wrote:

Hello Charu,

If using this objective on a CLSM is your plan, then I would go for a lower magnification (the 60x/1.49 instead of the 100x/1.49 for example) due to transmission efficiencies. Objective with the same N.A. but with lower magnifications are almost always a better choice when working with point scanners. Just "zoom" in to meet your Nyquist!


Hi Charu and Pete,

"Efficiency" is a tricky thing. Everyone is in favor of it but it often means different things to different people.

In the days of widefield systems with Hg arcs and excitation optics that made a large image of the arc in the objective BFP, there was a rumor that the "brightness" of a fluorescent image would vary with the fourth power of the NA and inversely with the square of the magnification. So high NA, 40x (and now 20x!) objectives became popular. The problem was that this brightness was related to visibility by eye. Once you wanted to record the low-mag image on film, you had to use slower film with finer grain to preserve the details (Ok. Many people didn't care about the details and used fast film just to see if there was some stain, but this approach lost the details.)

When we got CCD cameras, we all became a bit more conscious of Nyquist sampling and realized that lower mag meant smaller camera pixels and, in the end, we collected the same number of photons/pixel no matter what objective mag you choose.  Assuming that you had settled on a camera built around one of the ubiquitous SONY chips designed for the Japanese HDTV standard, the pixels were 6.7µm and you would just have to choose the right coupling tube mag to allow you to meet Nyquist.

So that is the mag part: In terms of image intensity, mag isn't important with laser instruments (including laser TIRF), unless you need low lag to cover a larger field and are willing to scan slowly, with a huge raster and tolerate some off-axis image degradation.

What about the NA part? As a mercury arc is about the same dimensions as the BFP of the objective (say 3-5 mm. It varies with arc power: 50w, 100w, 200w), any efficient illumination system will focus this into the BFP at about 1:1 because 1:1 optics have the highest potential light throughput.

Therefore, the objective that accepts light from the largest fraction of this arc-image and conveys it to the specimen will excite the most fluorescence. As the diameter of the BFP varies directly with NA, its area varies with (NA)*2. As the same should follow for the efficiency with which the objective collects the excited fluorescence, it will also vary with (NA)*2 and the total overall brightness will vary with (NA)*4.

Some BFP background

All other things being equal, a 100x objective has a focal length that is 2.5x shorter than a 40x lens. If, for a moment, you can just imagine the simplest lens diagram with on-axis, parallel illumination striking the lens and then converging to form a focused spot, one focal length away from the optical center of the lens (the optical center is the plane about which it seems to act). No matter what the objective magnification, the boundary of the angle of convergence is set only by the NA. Therefore, as the 40x lens has a 2.5x longer focal length, its principle plane must be 2.5x farther from the focal plane compared to that of the 100x lens. And as the divergence is the same, from similar triangles, the diameter of the parallel ray bundled needed to fill the 40x lens must be 2.5x larger than that needed to fill the 100x lens.

Put simply, the diameter of the clear aperture that you see when you look at a 100x NA 1.3 is about only about 40% as large as that seen when looking at the back of a 40x NA 1.3, and if you focus a more-or-less uniform image of the arc onto this plane, and it is big enough to "fill" the BFP of the 40x, then you will find that about (2.5)*2 = 6.25x more light comes out of the 40x, compared to the 100x. (On the other hand, if your excitation optics make an image of the arc in the BFP that is much smaller than that of the 40x BFP, this effect will be proportionally less. Assuming Kohler illumination, you should be able to see the relative size of the arc and the BFP if you just let the illumination proceed from the objective and fall onto a piece of lens tissue placed a cm or two on the far side of the focus plane.)

However, if you have a laser-based illumination (such as is found on many laser confocals), things are a little different. First all all, on the illumination side, excitation intensity itself is not a usually a problem. In fact we have to adjust the laser power down to prevent singlet-state saturation and undue photodamage. So one of the two (NA)*2 intensity terms become irrelevant. (On the imaging side, of course, larger NA will collect more light and, in the absence of spherical aberration etc, will deliver more photons to the detector.)

On the other hand, in laser-based systems, the diameter of the diffraction-limited spot is inversely proportional not to the NA engraved on the objective barrel but to the fraction of this NA actually filled by the laser beam. A 1mm diam unexpanded laser beam filling a 60x 1.3NA lens, with a BFP about 8mm in diameter will form a focused spot that is 8x LARGER than it should be. (The confocal image may still look sort of OK as the NA on the imaging  side will still be 1.3, but the X,Y and Z resolution will still be lower.)

Now, confocal manufacturers know all this and they try to set things up so that the laser beam is large enough to "fill the BFP" of the most common lenses with more-or-less uniform laser intensity. However, you can see their problem, unless the illumination optics actually adjusts to match each lens, then we are back to the widefield system: if it is adjusted so that the laser "fills" the 40x BFP, then only 1/6th of that light will be used with the 100x. The rest will be bouncing around causing troublesome reflections. So they compromise, with the result that, in practice, one will often record slightly better resolution in  X, Y and Z with the higher mag objective because the illumination will better fill its aperture.

So wasn't that a long story. I hope you are not all asleep (but I will be checking!)

Sorry. Must be Spring! And sorry for the typos...

Jim P.

Prof. James B. Pawley,                                      Ph.  608-263-3147 
Room 223, Zoology Research Building,                                  FAX  608-265-5315
1117 Johnson Ave., Madison, WI, 53706                                [hidden email]
3D Microscopy of Living Cells Course, June 12-24, 2010, UBC, Vancouver Canada
Info: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/                Applications still being accepted
               "If it ain't diffraction, it must be statistics." Anon.

On Mar 23, 2010, at 04:55 AM, charu tanwar wrote:

Thank you all for your valuable inputs.

Imaging Specialist
Advanced Instrumentation Research Facility
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067

--- On Tue, 23/3/10, Tim Feinstein <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Tim Feinstein <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: TIRF objective for routine imaging
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, 23 March, 2010, 5:55 AM
We use the same objective as Neeraj on a A1/TiE for confocal, widefield and TIRF.  No complaints.


Tim Feinstein

On Mar 22, 2010, at 7:39 PM, Neeraj Gohad wrote:

Hi Charu,
We have A Nikon TIRF module on our Nikon TiE so we have the Apo 60X 1.49 NA TIRF Objective, I have used this for regular confocal imaging with great success.
Neeraj V. Gohad, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Okeanos Research Group
Department of Biological Sciences
132 Long Hall
Clemson University
Phone: 864-656-3597
Fax: 864-656-0435
Website: http://www.clemson.edu/okeanos
Please note my new email address: http://in.mc83.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=neerajg@...
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]On Behalf Of Marco Dal Maschio
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 3:56 PM
To: http://in.mc83.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=CONFOCALMICROSCOPY@LISTS.UMN.EDU
Subject: Re: TIRF objective for routine imaging
Dear Charu,
I had the opportunity to test from the same company 60x 1.45tirf // 60x VC // 60x 1.49 tirf.
I remember that probably 60x 1.49 is not plan, related to the  flat field correction.
But this objective is currently used by colleagues  performing tracking and imaging in neuronal cultures
with optimal image quality. If you want I can send you images comparing 60x VC and 60x 1.49 tirf.
Sorry but no experience about 100x.
On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Charu Tanwar <http://in.mc83.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=tanwar_charu@...> wrote:
Dear List

Anybody please let me know whether we can use TIRF 100XH (N.A.
1.49,Working Distance 0.12mm,Coverglass correction 0.13-.20mm - this is a
special TIRF objective) for routine confocal imaging of bacteria and RBC's with
low flourescence signal.
Can it be mounted on a confocal microscope from TIRF microscope if both the
systems are from same company.

Thanks in advance

Charu Tanwar
Imaging Specialist
Advanced Instrumentation Research Facility
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi


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Paul Rigby-2 Paul Rigby-2
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Re: TIRF objective for routine imaging

In reply to this post by James Pawley
Hi All,
A fascinating and extremely informative discussion, yet again.
I will only add one small bit of practical information that I have observed from direct measurement. In recent testing of objectives, we measured reflections from a semi-silvered mirror (0.17mm coverslip etc) for two objectives (Nikon 60x, 1.49NA TIRF and Nikon 20x PlanApo VC, 0.7NA?) across four wavlengths (405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 638nm). Pinhole set to 1.0 Airy.
The 20x VC objective showed almost no spherical abberation with barely discernable misalignment of the reflected images in the Z direction. However, the 60x TIRF objective (not a VC design) did show good coalignment of the 488 and 561nm reflections, but both the 405 and 638nm reflections were displaced in Z either above and below the 488 and 561nm images. I suppose this was not unexpected and I will say that the abberation correction collar of the TIRF objective may not have been fully optimised.
Would we expect both the 405 and 638nm lines to correctly align in z if the collar was correctly adjusted or would we likely only bring one wavelength into correct alignment? Do people think purchasing the Nikon 60x 1.4NA Planapo VC objective is worth the extra cost?
Thanks again to everyone for the enlightened discussions.
Paul Rigby
Dr Paul Rigby
Associate Professor
Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis (M510)
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley WA 6009
Phone (61 8) 9346 2819
James Pawley James Pawley
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Re: TIRF objective for routine imaging

>Hi All,
>A fascinating and extremely informative discussion, yet again.
>I will only add one small bit of practical information that I have
>observed from direct measurement. In recent testing of objectives,
>we measured reflections from a semi-silvered mirror (0.17mm
>coverslip etc) for two objectives (Nikon 60x, 1.49NA TIRF and Nikon
>20x PlanApo VC, 0.7NA?) across four wavlengths (405nm, 488nm, 561nm
>and 638nm). Pinhole set to 1.0 Airy.
>The 20x VC objective showed almost no spherical abberation with
>barely discernable misalignment of the reflected images in the Z
>direction. However, the 60x TIRF objective (not a VC design) did
>show good coalignment of the 488 and 561nm reflections, but both the
>405 and 638nm reflections were displaced in Z either above and below
>the 488 and 561nm images. I suppose this was not unexpected and I
>will say that the abberation correction collar of the TIRF objective
>may not have been fully optimised.
>Would we expect both the 405 and 638nm lines to correctly align in z
>if the collar was correctly adjusted or would we likely only bring
>one wavelength into correct alignment? Do people think purchasing
>the Nikon 60x 1.4NA Planapo VC objective is worth the extra cost?
>Thanks again to everyone for the enlightened discussions.
>Paul Rigby
>Dr Paul Rigby
>Associate Professor
>Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis (M510)
>The University of Western Australia
>35 Stirling Highway
>Crawley WA 6009
>Phone (61 8) 9346 2819

Dear Paul,

Congratulations on taking the trouble to actually make some (very
interesting) measurements!  And also congratulations for using an
actual metal mirror rather than just a water-glass interface for your
reflective surface (The latter preferentially reflects high-NA rays,
giving an anomalously good z-resolution. For others who may try this,
don't forget to use a very low laser power and a low PMT voltage.)

However, may I suggest another interpretation of your result: what
you saw seems more likely to be chromatic aberration, not spherical.
The latter can be corrected by using the collar (the adjustment of
which which will also cause a Z-shift). The former should not be

Of course, the two do interact somewhat because SA is caused when the
RI between the objective and the focus plane not being exactly as
specified by the manufacturer (the temperature as well as the
material present can be important), while CA obviously is about how
RIs of the lens elements and the oil etc change with wavelength. In
other words SA is always corrected more completely at some
wavelengths than at others. However, we usually think of a focal
shift, such as the one you have detected, as being primarily
indicative of CA. Any remaining SA in the z-PSFs that you recorded
will produce asymmetry in the z-direction (The way that the reflected
light signal decays above, vs below the maximum will look different
when focus is above vs below the peak. Usually SA produces a longer
rippled tail in one direction).

In practice, the focal shift caused by chromatic aberration can also
reduce z-resolution. Imagine a dye that is excited at 561nm and emits
at 633nm. The total confocal PSF will be a product (actually a
convolution) of these two PSFs and it will spread out in the z
direction much more than would the PSF recorded at either wavelength.
Did you happen to measure the focal shift in microns? Or their extent
(full-width at half maximum in microns)? The latter should be in the
range 500-700 nm depending on wavelength and pinhole setting. But if
the (very large) pupil of the 1.49 is not fully illuminated, the
performance will be somewhat less as discussed previously.

Not owning this lens, I have no specifications other than what I can
find on the WWW, but this seems to indicate that both the 1.49 TIRF
objectives, as listed at


are Apochromats. This means that they are supposed to be corrected
for at least three wavelengths. Although it doesn't mention them
being a plan lenses, I expect that they cannot have much field
curvature because the TIRF object is extremely planar. Plan-APOs are
often corrected for 4 wavelengths. So something seems wrong.

On the other hand, what do we mean by "corrected for"? When we were
viewing by eye or using color film, it meant that one was able to
view the image of a thin, black & white pattern in transmitted light
without the edges of the features having red or blue fringes. In
practice, this meant that the wavelength induced focal shift was less
than the depth of field. However, in confocal microscopy, we can
LOCATE THE POSITION of the peak reflection far more accurately than
we can RESOLVE two features separated in z (i.e., Z-position can be
determined to a precision much smaller than the z-resolution.). I am
assuming that this is what you have measured. Quantitative
focal-shift vs wavelength curves can be found in Figure 7:15 in The

Alternative explanations might involve CA in the other optical
components between the end of the fiber and the back of the objective.

You can see how this sort of spectral displacement would normally be
less trouble in a TIRF lens that is mainly used to image light from a
single fluorophor at any one time and where the z-position of the
excitation is set not by the focus position so much as by the
location of the coverslip/water interface.

In any case, if you do need the best possible TIRF x-y resolution
from two fluorophors at the same time on the system you have
measured, I suggest that you choose fluorphors emitting near near 488
and 561nm, otherwise one or the other may be slightly out of focus
(depending on the magnitude of the focal shift)

Happy TIRF!

Jim P.
Prof. James B. Pawley,                          Ph.  608-263-3147
Room 223, Zoology Research Building,              
FAX  608-265-5315
1117 Johnson Ave., Madison, WI, 53706  
[hidden email]
3D Microscopy of Living Cells Course, June 12-24, 2010, UBC, Vancouver Canada
Info: http://www.3dcourse.ubc.ca/                 Applications still
being accepted
               "If it ain't diffraction, it must be statistics." Anon.