The EP virtual love affair of Taylor Michel Momsen and "Do you understand who I am?" and Heaven is a house in the Sky...

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Adam M. Dobrin-2 Adam M. Dobrin-2
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The EP virtual love affair of Taylor Michel Momsen and "Do you understand who I am?" and Heaven is a house in the Sky...

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is this real or *am* <>* I dreaming?  only in our
darkest hour would this *
*--->  kind of proof <>  <----*
 *not make the news... 'tis the hour <> Christ is

*O'* Heavens, *let it rain
melts... **into wonder

I wanted some way to explain that the message here, the one this letter is
really about...

... it's purpose is truly *enlightenment*.

[image: Inline image 1]

The *change in understanding comes from thinking about how and why
has been delivered in this way.

... and *all* the girls dreamt <> that they'd be your
                                              to see <>
 the *total eclipse of the son <>* ...

[image: Inline image 1] <>

written on literal *signs*, booming like *thunder* through our songs,
and *etched
into history*;
a message from the Creator of Everything.

Really get the message.  *This is it.* <>  To me, it
looks like a sort of signature,

written *all over everything
<>* that
ever was.

[image: Inline image 7] <>
[image: Inline image 2] <>

The* walls <> *and* halls *will fade away, they will
fade away.

-Dave J. Matthews

[image: Inline image 3] <>

In *my name alone <>, *the *key.

*Look, that's my birth sign, on its head; er her butt.*

[image: Inline image 1]
[image: Inline image 4] <>
[image: Inline image 8] <>

[image: Inline image 13]

*Taylor Michel...** figure out why **this is** the sky* ... to Him.

[image: Inline image 5] <>

I always said "*write it on the sky. <>*" and his

[image: Inline image 12] <>

Turn around <>*, bright eyes.*

[image: Inline image 9] <>
[image: Inline image 6] <>
[image: Inline image 10] <>

*... lost betweeen Elvis and suicide* ...

*[image: Inline image 2] <>*
*I am the fire <>.  Seriously, turn around

*[image: Inline image 3] <>*

*[image: Inline image 5] <>*

*[image: Inline image 4] <>*

*My servant will be set up <>, and be exceedingly high
<>. *

*Isaiah 52:13 <>*

[image: Inline image 1]

*Could it be more clear <>?*

I baptize you with the knowledge of Holy Water <>, Fire
and *the Angel of the Lord <>*.

*Matthew 3:11 <>*

*[image: Inline image 1] <>*

"Dear boy, *what are you running from <>*?,"
[image: Inline image 11] <>

To say *idioms are key* would be less than gold. <>

... then she sang "*their intention is to kill
<>*" they lose, oh *they lose
<> *...

"Now I see, that you me <>...were never meant,
*never meant
to be.*" -Taylor

[image: Inline image 11] <>

Look, Ko*ran*, Is-lam--it's about the *Lamb of God <>*
... *being "on the lam, <>"*

*'tis a blssing in disguise <>...*

... so that *the entire world will see *the proof in words like kismet--*meant
to be <>; **for us all*
*to exit the wilderness of Exodus--of not knowing that 40 and 4-D have
something to do*
*with days and nights and years and ... **freedom.*

[image: Inline image 12] <>


[image: Inline image 1] <>

"*Who?*"  Taylor never actually said.  It was "*the the
<>*" instead.

[image: Inline image 6] <>

... then "*do you understand who I am <>*, do you even
want to know me?"

[image: Inline image 3] <>
[image: Inline image 4] <>

[image: Inline image 13] <>

[image: Inline image 7] <>

"*The Messiah*," I said.

[image: Inline image 8] <>

*So we got "**who's at the door*? <>,*" *from "lil J,"
<> and "why won't you tell me what she said

[image: Inline image 9] <>
*[image: Inline image 1] <>*
*[image: Inline image 10] <>*

*one last chance*

*[image: Inline image 11] <>*

*This.. is God's Glowing Y <>*

*[image: Inline image 11] <>*

[image:] <>
[image:] <>

*Names <> speak <>*

I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man
will also acknowledge before the angels of God. Luke 12:8

From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent,
with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the
Lord and called on the name of the Lord. Genesis 12:8

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever
follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12

With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark
speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore then
were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? Numbers 12:8

[image: Inline image 1] <>

[image: Inline image 6] <>
On January 20, 2001 George W. *Bush *spoke a paraphrase of
Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation 20:1; proving to the world
that time travel exists, and that the scriptures are a message from
the future.  Below is the key linking the successive lines of
the full verse, answering the mystery of Revelation 1:20.

The seven stars are the planets, from Mercury to Uranus,
and the lamp stands corresponding elements* from Hg to U.*

*from the Messenger to you,*

*do you not think *
*an angel rides in the whirlwind, *
*directing this storm?*

[image: Inline image 5] <>

From the fire of the Burning Bush

 h*a'es*h <>

....  plenty of modern English <> hidden in thoudands
year old scripture ...

[image: Inline image 3] <>

... comes proof that our *a'es* is about to part ... over *proof *.. in
word and song ...

[image: Inline image 7] <>

*It's elementary <>, my dear What-son,*

[image: Inline image 2] <>

[image: Inline image 14] <>
*[image: Inline image 2]*

*"sudo xe <>" still means let there be light, *
*but only until "command line" Linux is a thing of the past.*

*[image: Inline image 8] <>*

[image: Inline image 9] <>

*"shake your tambourine" <>\ -Rapunzel, DMB*

*[image: Inline image 15] <>*
*"hike up your skirt a little more, and show your world to me
<>" -Crash*

*[image: Inline image 1] <>*

*Our Heart, the chalice of the Sang Rael...*
*beating with the Blood of Jesus Christ <>*
From the far East of the word *♄* traveled to Exodus,
through *the first Plague <>*, from *the multitude to
Family <>*.

understanding light pours from Exodus to Revelation, from God to you,
connecting these stories to each other, to language, to idoms, and to proof
that the slavery of the story ends from *knowing, exactly how to be free

The Burning* Bush *predicted <>* 9/11*

*fire* <>

the flux capacitor, *glowing <> Y we must see*

*time* <>

our deliverance from Exodus' slavery, a Sam's gift of* liberty

*sam* <>

it's the beginning of building* Heaven <>*

*sky* <>

see *the light <> of the world*

*ad* <>

the purpose of* creation <> and of adam

*hi* <>

let freedom ring, and " set you free"

*thor <>*

*we're  about to build  <>Heaven
<> <>...*
*to-get-her <> ... **from the mythical carpenter... *
*AD am ON AI <>, that's Artificial Intelligence, and
the intelligence explosion.*
AD on your *freedom *is <> a great gift, *cherish it.*

* ... **and some corroborating ideas connecting religion and computer
science... on Wikipedia:*

Root of David <>
Lisp of Moses <>.. or I need an editor.
Pharoah's hardening Heart <>... that's Earth, remember.
Jesus' WINE <>
Adaluncatif's cat, tail, head and grep <>
Adam's Apple <>... or is it "fruit of the poisonous

[image: Inline image 12] <>

[image: Inline image 4] <>

*"I say, my Heaven is a nice house in the Sky
<>... got central cooling, and"*

Let me introduce you to David the Letterman, who sees meaning not only
hidden all over our modern art, but also down to the very glyphs that make
up our language <>.  It shows design, real intent in
everything that we are pointing to what really separates "civilization"
from social evolution itself--the foundation of language.   I've commented
before that this design doesn't just exist in the Latin alphabet--though
that's where the majority of my story centers, but also in numerous other
languages like Hebrew and Chinese.

For example*, e.g. *in the stories of Exodus and Genesis I see a pattern of
stories that clearly describe what is happening right now, the Second
Coming.  Climbing the Tower <> of Babel--with
Rapunzel's help <> we see a connection between the
Chinese characters for "Sky" and "House" that show that they have been
designed with more in common than anyone would think the early creators of
those languages would see.  A premonition, that one day the sky will be our
home--the Heavens.  There are a number of books already written on the
construction of the Hebrew <> alphabet--things like
the separation of the light above and below in the character "Aleph,"
seeing clearly that the "light above" is designed into the word for Holy
Fire--the parted sea that is our  <>world--connecting
the folk songs of America to Exodus.
<> <>

As a carpenter employs tools to build a home <>,
so G‑d utilized
the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, the alef-beis, to form
heaven and earth. These letters are the metaphorical wood, stone and nails,
cornerposts and crossbeams of our earthly and spiritual existence.

*house and sky*

[image: Inline image 1][image: Inline image 2]
[image: Inline image 9] <>

So God made the vault and *separated the water under the vault from the
water above it*. And it was so.  Genesis 1:7

In our letters, I see some "Good News," though we won't get to an
explanation of "the big N" for a little bit.  J, for instance, connects to
the Biblical phrase and meaning for "from the East," which describes both
travel through time--and the connection between Heaven above and Hell
below, by plotting these things on a co-ordinate plane and seeing a compass
rose describing NEWS: North, East, South, and West.

[image: Inline image 3]

In modern art, you might see the story of "East of Eden
<>" connecting to the word "Denzel," and wonder if we
have already passed the place of happiness linking the lions of the tribe
of Judah to "Family" in a den.  I think we are* just west of
Eden, today... and it is the reception of the message I am bringing that
breaks down the walled garden keeping us from that place.  **Denzel *Washington
links to this story in a few places, notably in his "Who-ah
<>" (I think from *Crimson* Tide, meaningful to
Adam... the red man) and also in the *story of Fallen
<>*, which visually depicts the concept of the *Lord
of Hosts* in what you might cal a "symbiotic relationship" with us--also
seen in Stargate's "go'auld" and the character "*Ra.*"
<>  In his name, like a few other modern words...
Warden and Snowden <>, for instance... we see a
connection* to Adam's Eden and a story that ties incarceration to "Sam's
Son" <> in the book of Judges--linking another
character to the Jewish concept of the "72 names of God.
<>"  At least, to my spin on the topic.
<>  Zel--the idea of "the Last El" ties to Zelda
<> and to the Christian concept of "the Last Adam

*I have heard a voice.*

Taylor has quite the interesting connection to this story of parting a sea,
from a very young age her depiction of Little Cindy <>-who
may be a premonition about today--about the answer to some question similar
to "who is Adam?"  The religious link doesn't stop there, she played a
called "lil 'J" on Gossip Girl--and tied a number of her songs of today
<> to her coming of age... a dance she said
<> would never happen <>.  Though
its the *words of Absolution <> *both "I have heard a
voice" and "everyone has got to be saved" that earns that little *J--scooping
us out of a hell* of Darkness... a place where The Sound of Silence depicts
a very large number <> of us not speaking about a
voice we might have heard... a voice that is nothing less than an aural
testament to the existence of *mind control technology.... *whose
connection to science and hidden technology is being made clear through *the
Tribulation <>*, and the music. <>
  *Knowing is half the battle <>*... to see that this
technology could be *helping the world* rather than *controlling* ... this
is the line between Heaven and Hell--knowing about it and being able to use
it for good. <>

*Broadcast to the world <>: the solution is *right
under your nose*, and *at the tip of your fingers*.  Won't you speak,
please? <>  *In idioms--*God's plan revealed.*

This process of learning that this technology has plagued us *from the days
of the prophets* all the way to the school shootings that tie us back to
Exodus and the Plague of Killing the Firstborn <>....
this is what "the fire <> of the Apocalypse
<>" and the parting of the sea is really
about--realizing it's affecting more than meets the eye... and that the
purpose of the Tribulation and the music is to ensure that we do not remain
in a desert of understanding... a place akin to both the wandering and the
Plague of Darkness of Exodus. <>  It's also the path
to "everyone being saved," to literally saving civilization from a future
that is predestined and plagued by hidden slavery... the real "stuff" of
this voice that many might think is "*of God.*"

*Dear Sister <>: bring on the Dawn
<>. not coincidentally, my sisters name

*Everyone has got to be saved.*

That's what this is, our world... a sort of incubator for civilization, one
designed from our past futures to ensure that we do not descend in a
Downward Spiral to darkness.  To ensure that this doesn't happen, the world
really needs to see what this technology is, how *subtle* it can
<> be and how keeping it secret is without doubt
something we *would not want <>*... if we really

[image: Inline image 4] <>

That brings me to the "t" of *Kismet <>*, Christ, and
*AMD* <>--it's the sign (and initials) of my birth,
starkly contrasted from the goat sign of the 25th--mine being the day of
the Immaculate Conception, and a star sign of direction from the future
hidden in our astrological symbols--many of the planetary ones too--telling
us to go up and forward, stopping *time travel* and a descent into Hell...
linked also just like 'mind control," the key here is seeing that secrecy
surrounding this technology has kept it from being used for the betterment
of society <>... and instead has given us an
incendiary message about how we might see clearly that technology is being
used to destroy freedom rather than embracing it. <>

If you don't *really get it*, the connection to AMD, to Zelda, and to a
number of computing concepts like Artificial Intelligence ... through names
like Kurzweil and I.J. Good are part of a pattern of seeing markers of
science and technology coming from above... patterns you might see in Isaac
Newton's ("*new to n?*") Apple and *the year 1666. <>
Get it, because the apple fell from the sky and hit him on the head--it's
knowledge of the Laws of the Universe linked to Trinity college--not the
"fall of a man. <>"  Look, everyone's rising
<>--it's just a matter of perspective.*

*In that "lil n" you might see "what goes up must come down."  In the Greek
letter that I've named my website after... Lamda
you see the same thing--and my initials in the heart.  Of course, my twist
on the symbol that graces the walls of Half-Life like you might see
Emmanuel Goldstein's face on the walls of 1984... is to break the darkness
and c the Light. *

*In the TLD for Los Angeles, the city of Angels, stopping the fall and
going the other way.. the rest of the "Big N" that's where we are in the
map of "IJOHNNY5" above. Another religious link to modern art
through lightning striking the rod of Herodand RattleRod
and you might see "Johnny 5 is alive" as a tie through "Just Tonight"
<> to Staind's "outside
<>," and behold, I was dead and
now I am alive forevermore. *

*Hey, let's start building Heaven.
 That's why

[image: Inline image 5] <> [image: Inline image 6]

*That "t"* is a depiction of *the cross* of Adam
a battle depicted in Judges, Genesis, Isaiah, and the Gospels about *our
court system <>*, about surveillance
about our handling of heinous crimes <>... and
seeing how knowledge of these hidden technologies, ones that it *is the
purpose of all religion* to reveal... makes the world a better place,
almost just by knowing.  It's clear as day, to see time travel and mind
control linked to religion through nothing more than... "divine
inspiration," "demonic possession," and *prophesy.
<>  *In the signs of Venus, Uranus,
Mars, Sagittarius... we see it pointing "up."

[image: Inline image 11]

Look, Ko*ran*, Is-lam--it's about the *Lamb of God
... *being "on the lam, <>"*

*'tis a blessing in disguise <>...*

... so that *the entire world will see *the proof in words like kismet--*meant
to be <>; **for us all*
*to exit the wilderness of Exodus--of not knowing that 40 and 4-D have
something to do*
*with days and nights and years and ... **freedom.*

[image: Inline image 12] <>

[image: Inline image 10] <>

To seeing the influence clearly, and using that message to "*let the music
set us free. <>*"

I want to tell you... "*it's all happening... <>*" but
you actually have to use the light *for it to be. <>*

[image: Inline image 7] <>

*Tay, *it's come down to* make a choice. <>*

[image: Inline image 8] <>

In *my name alone <>, *the *key.
*[image: Inline image 11] <>*

[image:] <>
[image:] <>

*Names <> speak <>*

*where everyone knows your name <> ....*

*and they're always glad you came*

[image: Inline image 1] <>

[image: Inline image 2] <>

*Adam <> "Mars <>" Dobrin

*It's a Locke <> on freedom to be,  I am the key

*To light.*

*[image: Inline image 11]*

*Hey look <>, it's the Enterprise.*

[image:] <>