The Microscopists Podcast

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Peter O'Toole-2 Peter O'Toole-2
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The Microscopists Podcast

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Hi All

I would like to highlight The Microscopists podcast series
( I have had the idea for a few
years, but it took time to find sponsorship and help needed to put it
together and enable them to be easily accessible across most platforms
(YouTube, iTunes, Spotifi, Stitcher, Google, RSS).

'The Microscopists' is a podcast is a series of informal, personal
chats with leading and inspirational microscopists, that are both
revealing and entertaining. It helps pick out what drives great,
successful scientists, what really inspires them and what they enjoy
most in life.

They are meant to be a set of candid, fun, and engaging interviews
that serve not only to help inspire upcoming scientists but to show
how career tracks and work-life balance are managed by some of the
best. Not only are they great at work, but they have some amazing
stories to tell about their lives outside science.

From instrument/application/analysis pioneers through to the most
established names mixed in with some rising stars, and in all types of
careers, from academic and core facilities.

Hopefully it will bring some light into the coming months.



Watch or Listen:

Dr Peter O'Toole
Director of the Bioscience Technology Facility
Head of Imaging and Cytometry
Bioscience Technology Facility
Department of Biology (Area 15)
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel : +44 (0)1904 328722
Mobile : +44 (0)7941 021148
email : [hidden email]