The physical cell meeting 2010

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Charras, Guillaume Charras, Guillaume
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The physical cell meeting 2010

Dear colleagues,
would like to bring to your attention a conference that we are organising at UCL, London, UK from the 28th to the 30th of June 2010 and that you may find of interest.
The Physical Cell

28 - 30th June 2010

This meeting will bring together cell biologists and biophysicists to discuss the physical basis of many cellular processes.  It will concentrate on model systems in which a combination of experimental studies and physical modelling has significantly enhanced our understanding of a wide variety of living cells and their common design principles.  The meeting will be organised round the themes of:
•    Space and Time
•    Symmetries
•    Growth and Form
•    Chance and Control
•    Evolution

Participation of students and young researchers is particularly encouraged.  A number of bursaries will be available for researchers from EU accession countries and developing countries.


Jorg Albert -UK, Robert Austin - USA, John Bechhoefer - Canada, Damian Brunner - Germany, Michael Elowitz - USA, Erwin Frey - Germany, Darren Gilmour - Germany, Martin Howard - UK, Jean-Francos Joanny - France, Frank Julicher - Germany, Bechera Kachar – USA, Karsten Kruse - Germany, Stanislas Leibler - USA, L. Mahadevan - USA, Timothy Mitchison - USA, Bela Mulder – Netherlands, Andrew Murray - USA, Victor Sourjik - Germany, Phong Tran – France, Steve Wilson - UK, Jennifer Zallen - USA

You can find more details at:
Best wishes,