Third Charleston Workshop on Light Microscopy for the Biosciences (LMB)

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Ramshesh, Venkat K Ramshesh, Venkat K
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Third Charleston Workshop on Light Microscopy for the Biosciences (LMB)

Third Charleston Workshop on


Medical University of South Carolina

June 6-11, 2010

The Third Charleston Workshop on LIGHT MICROSCOPY FOR THE BIOSCIENCES (LMB) will provide a solid introduction to the concepts and practical applications of light microscopy relevant to modern cell and molecular biology. Students will have opportunities for extensive hands-on experience with state-of-the-art equipment for optical imaging, digital image processing, and fluorescence and confocal/multiphoton microscopy guided by experienced academic and commercial faculty. Lectures and laboratory exercises will include: optics of image formation; microscope alignment; phase contrast and differential interference contrast microscopy; video and digital cameras; contrast enhancement by analog and digital image processing; principles of fluorescence and fluorescence microscopy; ion imaging and fluorescent probes, including green fluorescent protein; fluorescence resonance energy transfer; and laser scanning confocal and multiphoton microscopy. A commercial faculty representing leading microscope manufacturers will make available for students use of the latest and most advanced instrumentation for light microscopy, image detection and computerized image analysis. The LMB Workshop is designed for doctoral level scientists, advanced pre-doctoral students and high level technical personnel. No prior experience with microscopy is required. All students will benefit from in-depth interaction with instructors. Students are encouraged to bring their own specimens for analysis.


Tuition: $650.00

Application Deadline: April 1, 2010

Principal Instructors:

John J. Lemasters, M.D., Ph.D., Organizer

P. Darwin Bell, Ph.D.

Anna-Liisa Nieminen, Ph.D.

Venkat K. Ramshesh, Ph.D.


    To apply, send a curriculum vita and a brief letter describing your research interests and reasons for enrolling. Because the course is expected to be oversubscribed, applicants should inquire as soon as possible. Please indicate your complete mailing address, telephone/fax number and email address.  Full consideration will be given to applications received by April 1, 2010.


For further information and to apply, contact:

Venkat K. Ramshesh
Medical University of South Carolina
Center for Cell Death, Injury and Regeneration and Hollings Cancer Center
280 Calhoun Street, MSC 140
Charleston, SC 29425
Telephone (843) 792- 3530, FAX (843) 792-1617
E-mail: [hidden email]

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