Hi everybody,
I would like to do three photons imaging of serotonin in neurons.
To ensure that my microscope is OK to do such a measurement, I would like to have a sort of testing system with an organic coupound maybe, absorbing three photons at 740 nm and emiting around 350-400 nm.
Maybe do you know such a system or an alternative one.
Thanks a lot
Stéphane Pages PhD
Neurobiologie cellulaire
Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard (CRULRG)
Bureau/office: F-5570
2601, Chemin de la Canardière
Beauport (Québec) G1J 2G3
Tél: 418-663-5747 ext. 4712 (bur./office)
Fax: 418-663-8756