To have or not to have, that's the question (cancer diagnostics)

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Konstantín Levitskiy Konstantín Levitskiy
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To have or not to have, that's the question (cancer diagnostics)

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Dear all,


Does anybody know if there is any free specific software or plugin for world wide used ImageJ or CellProfiler to determine if the preparation has tumour/cancer regions or not? Does anybody know if the NIS-AR is suitable for this type of analysis?


Thanks a lot.


Best regards,

Dr. Konstantín Levitskiy

Servicio de Microscopía

InstitutodeBiomedicinadeSevilla - IBiS

Campus del Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío

Avda. Manuel Siurot s/nº

41013 Sevilla

Tlfno: 955 92 3030

Email: [hidden email]




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