Training Course - Understanding and Using the Light Microscope

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Alice Tobin Alice Tobin
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Training Course - Understanding and Using the Light Microscope

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Dear all,

Apologies for cross-posting.

MRC Harwell is running the training course “Understanding and Using the Light
Microscope” on the 2nd-3rd and 28th-29th October, now open for applications.

This two day course is intended for those new to light microscopy, with
practical sessions and expert advice on how to operate both basic microscopes
and advanced research instruments.

Superficially, the light microscope may appear simple, but scientific journals are
replete with examples of poor quality images. The tutor has 20 years of
experience teaching the principles of light microscopy with the Royal
Microscopical Society. Numbers are restricted to just four participants per
course to allow as much practical application, and individual tuition, as possible.

The course is subsidised and costs £100 for the two days. It will run on two
separate occasions, at either end of the month. For more information, please
see MRC Harwell’s website training pages.

To book or make an enquiry, please email [hidden email].

Kind regards,