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Only two days remaining to register! Join NESM for our Spring Workshops
(Thurs) & Symposium (Fri) on May 3-4, 2012 at the Marine Biological
Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA. The meeting is composed of optional Thursday
afternoon workshops and Friday seminars. Registration closes 12:00 PM, April
-Workshops (separate fee)
Thursday, May 3, 2012, 1 5 PM
-Woods Hole Spring Symposium
Friday, May 4, 2012, 10 AM 5 PM
Symposium presentations include the following:
"Confocal and super-resolution imaging of muscle"
Elizabeth Brainerd, Ph.D., Brown University
Microscopy and authenticity in the art museum: How microscopes shed light
on the origins of cultural artifacts
Richard Newman, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Keynote: "TEM: The key tool for nanotechology"
Barry Carter, D.Phil., Sc.D., University of Connecticut
"Ion microprobe analyses at WHOI: Using micron-scale measurements to
understand global scale processes"
Brian Monteleone, Ph.D., WHOI
"The juvenile ALS2 gene product Alsin encodes a protein that regulates IGF-1
receptor endocytosis and cell signaling"
Justin Topp, Ph.D., Gordon College
"Making improved neural activity indicators: Genetics and calcium imaging
Trevor Wardill, Ph.D., Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
http://nesmicroscopy.org/upcoming-meeting.html to register.
NESM Board