Used VivaScope Ex-Vivo Confocal Microscope for sale...

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Christian Costa-2 Christian Costa-2
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Used VivaScope Ex-Vivo Confocal Microscope for sale...

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Hello all!


I have for sale a gently used VivaScope 2500 Confocal Microscope.


The microscope specifications are as follows:

·        Horizontal Optical Resolution: < 2.0 µm at center of field of view

·        Vertical Optical Resolution: < 5.0 µm at center of field of view

·        Depth of Imaging : Up to 400 µm (dependent on tissue type)

·        Single Frame Field of View: 500 µm x 500 µm usable field of view

·        Macroscopic Mapped Field: ± 10.0 mm in X & Y directions (20 mm square)

·        Z Stack Range: Virtually unlimited frames at user defined depths

·        Displayed Image Resolution: 1000 x 1000 pixels (Nyquist optimized)

·        Frame Rate: 9 frames per second

·        Operating Software: VivaScan® Software Ver. 7

·        Optical Operating Power: CDRH Class 1, EU Class 1M (16 mW max). For Class 1M laser, viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments within 100 mm may pose an eye hazard.

·        Imaging Wavelength: 830 nm

·        Supplied Objective: F.L. = 5.3 mm, Lucid StableView™ 0.9 NA immersion


If you are interested in more information, please call or send email to [hidden email]


Thank you.


Christian Costa
Applications Engineer
Lucid, Inc.
2320 Brighton Henrietta Townline Road | Rochester, NY 14623