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User Facilities w/ 980nm Laser

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Earl_Sanford Earl_Sanford
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User Facilities w/ 980nm Laser

Search the CONFOCAL archive at

I have been asked to look into developing a method to examine a material
sample (4uM x 3000uM) with a 980nm CW laser and collect light at 1060nm.
Spatial resolution still needs to be defined but I expect the resolution will need
to be fairly high.

Prior to purchasing any components, I would like to do some proof of concept
measurements at a user facilty that already has the appropriate laser and
detector. I would appreciate hearing from you if you know of such a facility,
preferably in the NE of the USA,  that I can gain access to and try running a
few samples.
Craig Brideau Craig Brideau
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Re: User Facilities w/ 980nm Laser

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
If you know anyone in your area with a 2-photon Ti:Saph laser you could use that; they're usually pulsed, but it is possible to run them in CW mode and most of them can be tuned to 980.  Just check with the local imaging labs.


On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 6:59 AM, Earl Sanford <[hidden email]> wrote:
Search the CONFOCAL archive at

I have been asked to look into developing a method to examine a material
sample (4uM x 3000uM) with a 980nm CW laser and collect light at 1060nm.
Spatial resolution still needs to be defined but I expect the resolution will need
to be fairly high.

Prior to purchasing any components, I would like to do some proof of concept
measurements at a user facilty that already has the appropriate laser and
detector. I would appreciate hearing from you if you know of such a facility,
preferably in the NE of the USA,  that I can gain access to and try running a
few samples.