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User settings for Leica SP5 in XP

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Ben Abrams Ben Abrams
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User settings for Leica SP5 in XP


I am reconfiguring our scope from a system where all users login with the same login to a system where individuals will all have unique login names.  I would like to copy the existing user beam path settings (that appear in the drop down menu beneath the Leica settings) from the general user account to the individual accounts so people can access their presets.  It is ok with me if and everyone else's current settings also get copied.  Does anyone know where in Windows XP these user settings are saved?  Can I just copy them into the same folder in the new user's account?  I am running LAS version 2.2.0 Build 4765.

W. Chan W. Chan
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Re: User settings for Leica SP5 in XP

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Hi Ben

These will be .ips files in "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Leica Microsystems\LAS AF\Instrument Parameter Settings", unless you have redirected the "My Documents" link.  It should be fine to copy them into each user's corresponding folder and they will show up as user settings as before.  We use 2.3.6 but the location of these files should be the same.  Cheers.

On Mon, 27 Jun 2011, Ben Abrams wrote:

> Hi,
> I am reconfiguring our scope from a system where all users login with the
> same login to a system where individuals will all have unique login names.
> I would like to copy the existing user beam path settings (that appear in
> the drop down menu beneath the Leica settings) from the general user account
> to the individual accounts so people can access their presets.  It is ok
> with me if and everyone else's current settings also get copied.  Does
> anyone know where in Windows XP these user settings are saved?  Can I just
> copy them into the same folder in the new user's account?  I am running LAS
> version 2.2.0 Build 4765.

Pang (Wai Pang Chan, [hidden email], PAB A087, 206-685-1519)
The Biology Imaging Facility (http://depts.washington.edu/if/)
Ben Abrams Ben Abrams
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Re: User settings for Leica SP5 in XP

Thanks! That worked.