Webinar: A New Era for Multi-point Confocal Microscopy (Commercial Posting)

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Daniel McRitchie Daniel McRitchie
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Webinar: A New Era for Multi-point Confocal Microscopy (Commercial Posting)

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Webinar: A New Era for Multi-point Confocal Microscopy (Commercial Posting)


Multi-point confocal microscopy has long been favoured over other confocal
methods for imaging live samples, due to its speed and sensitivity, protecting
cell health whilst imaging fast dynamics in multiple dimensions.

Excelling in high-speed, high-sensitivity imaging of live specimens, multi-point
confocal has achieved the best results with high-magnification high-numerical
aperture objectives.  The original design of the technology was challenged by
thick samples, which can result in high background and low contrast due to
cross-talk between adjacent pinholes. Additionally, large specimens requiring
low magnification objectives were not ideally compatible with earlier designs
due to a fixed pinhole size.  Consequently some researchers were forced to use
point scanning technology and trade increased specimen thickness for slower
less sensitive imaging. Point scanning drawbacks include loss of temporal
resolution as well as detrimental photobleaching and phototoxicity.

In this webinar we will present new advances in multi-point confocal
technology, marking a new era not only for live cell imaging, but also for its
additional use in routine confocal imaging.

Register Here - http://goo.gl/uVtmw

Date: 25th July, 1pm Eastern US (10 Western US/ 6pm UK )

Speaker: Geraint Wilde, Product Specialist, Microscopy Systems

Register Here - http://goo.gl/uVtmw