Webinar: An Introduction to Imaris (commercial posting)

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Daniel McRitchie Daniel McRitchie
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Webinar: An Introduction to Imaris (commercial posting)

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Webinar: An Introduction to Imaris (commercial posting)

Bitplane's Imaris scientific software delivers all the necessary functionality for
data visualization, analysis, segmentation and interpretation of 3D and 4D
microscopy datasets.

This webinar will cover the basic Imaris skills in a typical work-flow starting by
loading an image and inspecting the voxel data. We will then use automatic and
semi-automatic methods to segment objects for visualization and analyzing.

We will host two events to accommodate different time zones.

Date:  7th February 2013

Event 1: 10.00 GMT (11.00 Central European time) - http://goo.gl/8RC3K

Event 2:  19.00 GMT (14:00 Eastern US time) - http://goo.gl/lyikl

Duration:  60 minutes

Who should attend:

1. Researchers interested in 3D/4D visualization of their data
2. Researchers who have recently purchased Imaris

Register for event 1 - http://goo.gl/8RC3K

Register for event 2 - http://goo.gl/lyikl