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Dear all,
Carl Zeiss Microscopy invites you to join us on Thursday, June 14, 2012, 12:00
pm ET for a free Science webinar - Optical Sectioning using Light Sheet
For registration and more information about the speakers please visit:
Dr Johannes Amon
Marketing Communications
Carl Zeiss Microscopy
Webinar synopsis:
Light sheet microscopy is an extremely powerful alternative to established
fluorescence imaging techniques, especially when it comes to 3-D imaging deep
within tissue or within whole live organisms. By selectively illuminating the
observed optical section with a thin sheet of light, photo bleaching is reduced
to a minimum, making light sheet microscopy ideal for nondestructive imaging of
fragile samples over extended periods of time. With this ultimate 3-D
microscopy technique, millimeter-sized samples can be imaged extremely fast
and with remarkable resolution and penetration depth. Our panel of experts will
introduce the audience to this novel and powerful technique, providing real-
world examples of its application in a variety of research settings.
During the webinar, our speakers will:
Give a brief summary of the technique, its advantages, and its challenges
Present the advances in their research made possible through the use of light
sheet microscopy
Answer questions submitted by you!
- Ernst H. K. Stelzer, Ph.D.; Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
- Pavel Tomancak, Ph.D.; Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and
Genetics, Dresden, Germany
- Lars Hufnagel, Ph.D.; European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg,
Further references: