Webinar: Open and accessible cutting-edge technology for super-resolution and machine-learning enabled microscopy

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Ricardo Henriques Ricardo Henriques
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Webinar: Open and accessible cutting-edge technology for super-resolution and machine-learning enabled microscopy

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Hi everyone,

I'll be giving an open webinar tomorrow, in case some of you may want to

*Title:* Open and accessible cutting-edge technology for  super-resolution
and machine-learning enabled microscopy
*When: *June 5th 4:00 pm CEST
*How to access/register:*

And here's a small teaser if you want to quickly see the topics we'll cover:

Hope to see some of you there.
All the best,

Prof. Ricardo Henriques,
Chair of Computational and Optical Biophysics
University College London and Francis Crick Institute

MRC-Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

Twitter: @HenriquesLab <https://twitter.com/HenriquesLab>
Website: https://henriqueslab.github.io
Google Scholar:
Co-Director of the Wellcome Trust Optical Biology
<https://opticalbiology.org/> PhD programme