Which Graphic tablet for image segmentation and measurments

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Jean-Pierre CLAMME-2 Jean-Pierre CLAMME-2
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Which Graphic tablet for image segmentation and measurments

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I'm wondering if some of you are using graphic tablets for manual image
segmentation and which one would you suggest.

I can't spend much so I was wondering what would be the minimum I need to
still do a good job. I heard Wacom are good but I don't know what I need
from there list of products. Would a basic intuos be ok or do I have to go
with the Intuos Pro series?

Any help is appreciated

Thank you

Craig Brideau Craig Brideau
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Re: Which Graphic tablet for image segmentation and measurments

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We have found the Wacom Intuos (formerly Bamboo) series to be
cost-effective.  Some version include the ability to switch back and forth
between touch and stylus operation, which you may find useful.  It has
pretty good pressure sensitivity when using the stylus so you can draw
thick or thin lines, etc. by pressing harder or lighter.  We use it for
painting masks or circling ROI in images.



On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Jean-Pierre CLAMME <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy
> *****
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if some of you are using graphic tablets for manual image
> segmentation and which one would you suggest.
> I can't spend much so I was wondering what would be the minimum I need to
> still do a good job. I heard Wacom are good but I don't know what I need
> from there list of products. Would a basic intuos be ok or do I have to go
> with the Intuos Pro series?
> Any help is appreciated
> Thank you
> JP