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White lasers and confocal microscopy

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Stéphane Pagès Stéphane Pagès
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White lasers and confocal microscopy

Hello everybody,
We are planning to acquire a new confocal microscope. Concerning, the illumination, I heard about white lasers that contains wavelength from 390 nm to 2000 nm with a power around 2 mW per nm.
Did some of you have experience with such devices ? What about the integration of such lasers in a tradition confocal microscope ?
Thanks a lot ...

Stéphane Pages PhD
Neurobiologie cellulaire
Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard (CRULRG)
Bureau/office: F-5570
2601, Chemin de la Canardière
Beauport (Québec) G1J 2G3
Tél: 418-663-5747 ext. 4712 (bur./office)
Fax: 418-663-8756

Periasamy, Ammasi (ap3t) Periasamy, Ammasi (ap3t)
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Re: White lasers and confocal microscopy

Leica sells the white light laser based confocal/spectral. The power is right but the wavelength is 470-670 nm.

Hope this helps


Ammasi Periasamy, Ph.D.

Director, Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (KCCI)

Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering

Biology, Gilmer Hall (064), McCormick Rd

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22904

Voice: 434-243-7602 (Office); 982-4869 (lab)

Fax:434-982-5210; Email:[hidden email]



Workshop on FRET Microscopy, March 3-7, 2009




From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Stéphane Pagès
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 10:05 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: White lasers and confocal microscopy


Hello everybody,
We are planning to acquire a new confocal microscope. Concerning, the illumination, I heard about white lasers that contains wavelength from 390 nm to 2000 nm with a power around 2 mW per nm.
Did some of you have experience with such devices ? What about the integration of such lasers in a tradition confocal microscope ?
Thanks a lot ...

Stéphane Pages PhD
Neurobiologie cellulaire
Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard (CRULRG)
Bureau/office: F-5570
2601, Chemin de la Canardière
Beauport (Québec) G1J 2G3
Tél: 418-663-5747 ext. 4712 (bur./office)
Fax: 418-663-8756

Alberto Diaspro Alberto Diaspro
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Re: White lasers and confocal microscopy

This is the first unique opportunity, after the Gail McConnell works, related to the possibility of having absorption and emission spectra as signature...
Do not miss www.ebsa2009.org

All the best
Il giorno 04/feb/09, alle ore 17:22, Periasamy, Ammasi (ap3t) ha scritto:

Leica sells the white light laser based confocal/spectral. The power is right but the wavelength is 470-670 nm.
Hope this helps
Ammasi Periasamy, Ph.D.
Director, Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (KCCI)
Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering
Biology, Gilmer Hall (064), McCormick Rd
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Voice: 434-243-7602 (Office); 982-4869 (lab)
Fax:434-982-5210; Email:[hidden email]
Workshop on FRET Microscopy, March 3-7, 2009
From: Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Stéphane Pagès
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 10:05 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: White lasers and confocal microscopy
Hello everybody,
We are planning to acquire a new confocal microscope. Concerning, the illumination, I heard about white lasers that contains wavelength from 390 nm to 2000 nm with a power around 2 mW per nm.
Did some of you have experience with such devices ? What about the integration of such lasers in a tradition confocal microscope ?
Thanks a lot ...

Stéphane Pages PhD
Neurobiologie cellulaire
Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard (CRULRG)
Bureau/office: F-5570
2601, Chemin de la Canardière
Beauport (Québec) G1J 2G3
Tél: 418-663-5747 ext. 4712 (bur./office)
Fax: 418-663-8756

"Water slowly flowed under the sky" (Cesare Pavese)
Alberto Diaspro,
Department of Physics, University of Genoa, 
Via Dodecaneso 33, 16146 Genoa, Italy - 
fax +39-010314218 - tel +39 0103536426/309; 
URLs: www.lambs.it

Win in Science! ...link to http://www.ebsa2009.org

Michael Weber-4 Michael Weber-4
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Re: White lasers and confocal microscopy

Zeiss has a white laser for the LSM 710 as well, called "In Tune":


No commercial interest.

> This is the first unique opportunity, after the Gail McConnell works,
> related to the possibility of having absorption and emission spectra
> as signature...
> Do not miss www.ebsa2009.org
> All the best
> Alby
> Il giorno 04/feb/09, alle ore 17:22, Periasamy, Ammasi (ap3t) ha
> scritto:
>> Leica sells the white light laser based confocal/spectral. The power
>> is right but the wavelength is 470-670 nm.
>> Hope this helps
>> Ammasi Periasamy, Ph.D.
>> Director, Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (KCCI)
>> Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering
>> Biology, Gilmer Hall (064), McCormick Rd
>> University of Virginia
>> Charlottesville, VA 22904
>> Voice: 434-243-7602 (Office); 982-4869 (lab)
>> Fax:434-982-5210; Email:[hidden email]
>> http//:www.kcci.virginia.edu
>> ************************
>> Workshop on FRET Microscopy, March 3-7, 2009
>> http://www.kcci.virginia.edu/workshop/workshop2009/index.php
>>  *************************
>> From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]
>> ] On Behalf Of Stéphane Pagès
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 10:05 AM
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: White lasers and confocal microscopy
>> Hello everybody,
>> We are planning to acquire a new confocal microscope. Concerning,
>> the illumination, I heard about white lasers that contains
>> wavelength from 390 nm to 2000 nm with a power around 2 mW per nm.
>> Did some of you have experience with such devices ? What about the
>> integration of such lasers in a tradition confocal microscope ?
>> Thanks a lot ...
>> --
>> Stéphane Pages PhD
>> Neurobiologie cellulaire
>> Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard (CRULRG)
>> www.greenspine.ca
>> Bureau/office: F-5570
>> 2601, Chemin de la Canardière
>> Beauport (Québec) G1J 2G3
>> Canada
>> Tél: 418-663-5747 ext. 4712 (bur./office)
>> Fax: 418-663-8756
> ----------------------------------------------------
> "Water slowly flowed under the sky" (Cesare Pavese)
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Alberto Diaspro,
> Department of Physics, University of Genoa,
> Via Dodecaneso 33, 16146 Genoa, Italy -
> fax +39-010314218 - tel +39 0103536426/309;
> URLs: www.lambs.it;
> Win in Science! ...link to http://www.ebsa2009.org
>   ----------------------------------------------