Workshop Announcement: "Imaging Africa"

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Chew, Teng-Leong Chew, Teng-Leong
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Workshop Announcement: "Imaging Africa"

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Dear all,
We are pleased to announce Imaging Africa—a workshop initiative aimed at developing the microscopy knowledge and expertise of African life scientists.

Imaging Africa is an intensive, 4-day workshop + 1-day symposium focused on exposing students to a plethora of microscope technologies and impactful applications. Topics range from portable, cellphone-based microscopes to advanced super-resolution modalities. Furthermore, students will be introduced to experimental applications such as biosensors and optogenetic tools. These theoretical and practical classes will run in parallel with an in-depth quantitative image analysis course, which will provide the students with the skills necessary to reveal meaningful information from microscopy data.

With the generous support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus and UNC-Chapel Hill, the Imaging Africa workshop is free of financial burden to all attending students. The expenses associated with air travel, accommodation, and food will be covered by Imaging Africa. Eligible applicants must currently be at an academic institution in the continent of Africa.

The workshop will be hosted at the University of Cape Town’s Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, South Africa from the 13th to the 16th of January 2020 and will be followed by a research symposium on the 17th of January 2020. Please visit for more information. Applications for the workshop close on the 15th of October 2019.

Please help us in making a meaningful impact on African researchers by forwarding this information to your friends and colleagues from any and all African institutions.

Teng-Leong Chew, HHMI Janelia Research Campus, USA
Dan Fletcher, Univ of California-Berkeley, USA
Klaus Hahn, Univ of N. Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Musa Mhlanga, Univ of Cape Town, S. Africa
Kelly Rogers, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute, Australia
Digby Warner, Univ of Cape Town, S. Africa