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Dear fellow microscopists,
Registration is now open for NESMs Fall Meeting @ UMass Amherst on October 2,
2014! The meeting will consist of a buffet dinner, followed by two technical talks by
Dr. Ryan Hayward of UMass Amherst and Dr. Andrew York of the National Institute
for Biomedical Imaging & Bioengineering. The meeting will begin at 4:30; prior to
that, starting at 2, is an open house for the EM Facility and a demonstration of
EELS and EFTEM. More information, including speaker bios and lecture abstracts,
can be found on our website at www.nesmicroscopy.org/upcoming-meetings/.
Keep up with NESM by following us on facebook
https://www.facebook.com/NESMicroscopy) and on Twitter
We hope to see you in October!
NESM Board