Zeiss Airyscan UGM, March 27th

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Meredith Calvert Meredith Calvert
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Zeiss Airyscan UGM, March 27th

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Dear all,
Zeiss will be hosting a User Group Meeting for Airyscan users on March
27th, San Antonio, TX, immediately following ABRF 2019.

This is a one day in depth training on ZEISS Airyscan, intended for
intermediate to advanced level users.

Topics will include:

- Acquisition settings for different experiment types.
- Processing strategies to optimize the final image.
- Sharing of tips and tricks and best practices for Airyscan imaging.

There are limited slots available; you can register for the workshop here
(no cost): www.zeiss.com/abrf-workshop
We look forward to seeing you in Texas!

Best regards,
Meredith Calvert, Gladstone Institutes, UCSF
Lisa Cameron, Duke University
(no commercial interest)
Dr. Meredith Calvert
Director, Gladstone Histology & Light Microscopy Core (GHLMC) and Flow
Cytometry Core (FCC)
Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco CA

By acknowledging the GHLMC and the Core staff that assisted with your work
in your presentations and publications, you help us to track and
demonstrate our direct contribution to the Mission Bay research community.
If you have used our core services or equipment, please use the
acknowledgement statement ‘We thank the Gladstone Histology & Light
Microscopy Core for experimental and technical support.’

Please also consider our staff for co-authorship if they made a significant
contribution to the design or analysis featured in this study.