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Zeiss LSM510: Arg laser cuts out and is not back "ON"

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G.Liu G.Liu
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Zeiss LSM510: Arg laser cuts out and is not back "ON"

Dear listers,

This happened twice a year ago with our LSM510: the readings of laser current became -0.2A (output at about 75% position) when some users "reuse" old image if the argon laser set @ Standby (or turning up the power too quickly). When being dragged back to 25% output, the current became normal (4.5A).   But this time, the laser control window's "ON" button is not responding after a user accidentally did same thing (laser cuts out, the readings were -0.2A current, 80%output). I have tried re-startup the whole system, it did not help.

My questions are that: is the lase just getting old (used >3000 hrs) or something else? If the lifespan of the laser has been reached, where can I get a replacement at a reasonable price (no service contract with Zeiss anymore).

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

Julio Vazquez Julio Vazquez
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Re: Zeiss LSM510: Arg laser cuts out and is not back "ON"

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Your Argon laser is probably from Lasos. You can look for a model  
similar to yours at their web site:


Their US distributor is Market Tech Inc.,


I don't know if they distribute in Canada too.

On our LSM 510, some of the old configurations (tracks) occasionally  
become corrupted, giving all sorts of weird problems. When this  
happens, we just delete them and rebuild them from scratch, and this  
sometimes solves the problem. Therefore, the first (and easy) thing I  
recommend doing is to build a new config from scratch and check  
whether things work out again.

If it is not an issue with the optical configuration, it could be an  
issue with the laser itself, the power supply, or perhaps with the  
electronics. I don't know how to tell if it is one or the other. Even  
without service contract, it might be worth having your Zeiss service  
engineer stop over and run some diagnostics. If the power supply is  
good, replacing the laser is not too difficult... just follow the  
wires. Replacing the power supply is a bit more complicated. I am not  
an expert, so if you decide to replace the parts yourself, it may be  
advisable to ask the laser manufacturer/vendor or the Zeiss engineer  
whether it is OK to replace one without the other (laser head and  
power supply, that is).

If you buy a laser similar to yours, installation is pretty  
straightforward: just remove yours and replace with new one and  
verify alignment. The difficulty, however, is in the power supply  
which is located deep inside Zeiss' laser electronics box, and it all  
depends on how confident you feel going there.  But you could  
purchase the laser and/or power supply from the manufacturer, and  
have the Zeiss service engineer perform the install. This would  
probably still save you a pretty chunk of money...

Julio Vazquez


On Nov 23, 2010, at 2:41 PM, G.Liu wrote:

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy
> *****
> Dear listers,
> This happened twice a year ago with our LSM510: the readings of laser
> current became -0.2A (output at about 75% position) when some users  
> "reuse"
> old image if the argon laser set @ Standby (or turning up the power  
> too
> quickly). When being dragged back to 25% output, the current became  
> normal
> (4.5A).   But this time, the laser control window's "ON" button is not
> responding after a user accidentally did same thing (laser cuts  
> out, the
> readings were -0.2A current, 80%output). I have tried re-startup  
> the whole
> system, it did not help.
> My questions are that: is the lase just getting old (used >3000  
> hrs) or
> something else? If the lifespan of the laser has been reached,  
> where can I
> get a replacement at a reasonable price (no service contract with  
> Zeiss
> anymore).
> Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
> Guosheng
> --
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