Hello everyone,
Apologie: This is my 3rd attempt to send this message. I hope it would not
post multiple times.
I posted this ~6 months ago. Due to delay in delivery of our new system, it is
still available (immediately now).
Zeiss LSM510 for sale.
1) Zeiss LSM 510 based on Axiovert 100M with 4 internal detectors and
a transmitted detector.
2) Laser lines 351, 364, 458, 488, 543, 633.
3) Motorized XY scanning stage
4) Optics: 10X/0.3; Fluar Multi-immersion 25X/0.8; Fluar 40X/1.3, Plan
apo 63X/1.4. All with DIC optics.
5) The system was maintained under service contract and used until
now. Argon laser was replaced about one year ago. Here is a link to check the
usage of the instrument (confocal).
http://www.cellnucleus.com/facilityweb/webpage/vcalendar.aspxEither you can take parts of it or the whole system. Zeiss agreed to take it
apart. But you must arrange/pay your own shipping.
Please contact me offline if you are interested for more information. Please
reply before the June 17th.
Xue-jun Sun, Ph.D.
Dept. Exp. Oncology
Cross Cancer Institute
11560 University Ave,
Edmonton Alberta T6G 1Z2
[hidden email]
Phone: (780) 432-8898
Fax: (780) 432-8425