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Hi there,
We are selling our Zeiss Meta 510 confocal. Unfortunately the control
computer hard drive died and the system was seeing less and less use so we
decided to sell it rather than spend the money to repair.
Our 510 Meta is based on an Axiovert 200M inverted scope with manual lateral
control. The lasers include a multi-line argon, green HeNe and a red diode.
We do not have a UV laser. The scan head is equipped with two conventional
PMTs and the spectral Meta detector. The system is still running the older
Zeiss software (we had not upgraded to Zen prior to the control computer
failure). The scope has a trinocular head with an Axiocam HRm CCD camera
which we used to acquire transmitted light and epifluorescent images.
An optical table is also available with the system.
Please contact me offline for more information.