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Does anybody have experience with controlling the Definite Focus from Zeiss via Metamorph and its Multidimensional acquisition dialogue in particular? How is it integrated there?
In my hands it’s possible to control the DF via the Hardware autofocus menu however the control via the MDA doesn’t work properly.
When I for instance set up the hardware autofocus function of the MDA to be active before each time point of a time series the definite focus gets activated however it continuously is searching for the focus taking forever to find it and often getting stuck there – even if it was working properly beforehand independently of the MDA dialogue. Also the timestamp of a time series is not affected whether the definite focus is set to be active or not, telling me, that it is not controlled by the MDA at all. Any comments?
Thanks for your help!
Justine Kusch
LMSC -Light Microscopy and Screening Center
ETH Zürich
Schafmattstr. 18
ETH-Hönggerberg, HPM F16
CH-8093 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 6336774