abbelight safe360 system cost

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Jeff Spector Jeff Spector
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abbelight safe360 system cost

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 We are currently stuck at home and planning our next few big
acquisitions for the lab.
 The safe60 system from abbelight looks quote promising. Can anyone with
experience on this system give me their feedback, as well as an
approximate cost?
lechristophe lechristophe
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Re: abbelight safe360 system cost

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Dear Jeff,

Disclosure: I am working with Abbelight (shared PhD student) and we have
published together several articles.

We have the SAFe360 instrument since last year. Abbelight has worked a lot
to add features and the setup is performing quite well. A distinctive
feature is the possibility to image a large filed-of-view in STORM even
with reasonable laser (~300 mW) thanks to the ASTER widefield scanning
method explained in this very recent preprint
200 x 200 µm area is useful for our imaging of axonal networks, see here: Another feature that we are
excited about is the spectral demixing SMLM that allows 2-3
colors simultaneous imaging using far-red fluorophores (AF647, CF660,
CF680) split on two camera by a well-chosen dichroic, with assignment of
each fluorophore based on the balance of intensities in each low/high
spectral band image. IN our tests it allows multi-channel STORM with a
similar quality is all channels, something that is difficult to achieve
with fluorophores of different colors (488/568/647).

Regarding cost, I can't really say as this can vary quite a bit, maybe
Abbelight can comment on it or contact you for more information.

Hope this helps,


Christophe Leterrier
NeuroCyto lab
Aix Marseille University, France

On Tue, 12 May 2020 at 05:12, Jeff Spector <[hidden email]> wrote:

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> Post images on and include the link in your posting.
> *****
> Greetings,
>  We are currently stuck at home and planning our next few big
> acquisitions for the lab.
>  The safe60 system from abbelight looks quote promising. Can anyone with
> experience on this system give me their feedback, as well as an
> approximate cost?
> Thanks,
>  -Jeff