antibodies to measure synaptogenesis

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F Javier Díez Guerra F Javier Díez Guerra
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antibodies to measure synaptogenesis

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  Dear listers,

I would like to know about your preferred antibodies to label neuronal
synaptic contacts.

The purpose is to measure synaptogenesis in neuronal cultures and in
slices (mouse and rat) using a semiautomated image analysis procedure. I
guess that Basson/PSD95 or Shank could be a good couple for excitatory
synapses and GAD/gephyrin for inhibitory synapses. Also, I have been
considering synapsin I, vGluT, synaptophysin, etc.

I will very much appreciate your suggestions on antibodies with good
signal and low immunofluorescence background after PFA fixation. This
will greatly facilitate the analysis.

Maybe it is best to be replied off-list.



F Javier Díez Guerra, PhD
Profesor Titular
Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa
C/ Nicolás Cabrera, 1
Universidad Autónoma
Ctra Colmenar Viejo Km 15
Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid

phone:  +34 91 196 4612
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