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Dear microscopists.
Weve found about the increasing interest of our contribution, using X-gal
precipitates as gene expression markers in confocal microscopy for multiple
fluorescence labelling. So here we attach the link for the article for
everyone, specially microscope enthusiasts and microscopy services, to
https://www.nature.com/articles/srep02937Enjoy it.
Best regards,
Dr. Konstantín Levitskiy
Servicio de Microscopía
InstitutodeBiomedicinadeSevilla - IBiS
Campus del Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío
Avda. Manuel Siurot s/nº
41013 Sevilla
Tlfno: 955 92 3030
Email: <mailto:
[hidden email]>
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Web: <
http://www.ibis-sevilla.es/> www.ibis-sevilla.es