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(Note: this message has been posted in parallel on the multiphoton list)
For Sale,
Unique, one of a kind custom modified system - BioRad Radiance 2000MP
Confocal/multiphoton combo system; Confocal/multiphoton modes can be
operated simultaneously or separately.
Configuration: Upright, with Olympus BX 50 WI microscope, modified for
intravital microscopy;
Inverted, with Olympus IX70 microscope
(scan head can be swapped between upright and inverted)
Lasers: for confocal - ArKr (488 and 568nm) and Red diode (633 nm); for
multiphoton - Spectra Physics MaiTai Broad Band, tuning range = 710-990
Detectors: 3 internal (descanned); 4 external (non-descanned); one
Table: TMC 5x7 anti-vibration table;
System service contract with Zeiss until Dec 2008;
ArKr laser replaced Nov 2010;
MaiTai Laser service contract with Spectra Physics until Jan31, 2011;
Used daily.
Please contact me *OFF LIST* at <
[hidden email]> for more information.
Harry Leung, M.Sc
Core Manager
Optical Imaging
Immune Disease Institute
(formerly CBR Institute for Biomedical Research)
3 Blackfan Circle, 3rd/Fl, Rm3128
Boston MA 02115, USA
Harvard Medical School Affiliate
[hidden email]>
[hidden email]>