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contract for microscope facility users

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Sylvie Le Guyader-2 Sylvie Le Guyader-2
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contract for microscope facility users

Hi everyone


We have recently started a small multiuser live cell imaging unit (ultimately 6 microscopes including TIRF, FRAP, confocal, widefield, multiphoton…). I need to come up with some sort of contract that users will sign after training before they are allowed on the machines. I have been scratching my head trying to find what to write in this contract since one cannot possibly write a long list of ‘don’t unplug this type of things and I cannot see how I could ask any user to be responsible and pay for damage if they break anything.


Could some of you send me offline an example of the contract you get people to sign for microscope usage?


Thanks for your help!


Med vänlig hälsning / Best regards





Sylvie Le Guyader

Dept of Biosciences and Nutrition

Karolinska Institutet


14157 Huddinge


+46 (0)8 608 9240


Boswell, Carl A - (cboswell) Boswell, Carl A - (cboswell)
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Re: contract for microscope facility users

Hi Sylvie,
Unless you are required to have such a contract, I'm not sure much would be accomplished by having one.  In the case here, managing 6 systems on the main campus and the medical school, it is made clear during all training sessions that damage repair is the responsibility of the individual/lab which caused it.  When I mention the cost of some items, the new user usually sits up a bit straighter. 
At the same time, with both an online reservation system and a signup sheet at each instrument, it can be difficult to track down the actual person responsible for the incident.  If the damage goes unnoticed for a few days, the time of the incident, and hence who did it, gets lost.  The implication here is that the perpetrator is either unaware that there was a problem, or they were trying to escape responsibility.  Any time there have been cases of neglect that I could track (e.g., leaving the Hg lamp on all weekend), the guilty party and the PI have been very apologetic and quite willing to buy the facility a new lamp.  In the years managing these systems, I have yet to find someone unwilling to right an identifiable wrong. 
I guess my point is that a contract is not going to guarantee that you get satisfaction if a problem arises, and is not going to make individuals more or less responsible.  In my view, a "simple" list of correct and incorrect procedures should suffice to keep the system in good working order.  Most individuals are looking to use the system as efficiently as possible so they can get on with their projects.  In my view, a well thought out (and not overly detailed) Procedures handout is the best method to ensure proper behavior.
Carl A. Boswell, Ph.D.
Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of Arizona
FAX 520-621-3709
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 6:37 AM
Subject: contract for microscope facility users

Hi everyone


We have recently started a small multiuser live cell imaging unit (ultimately 6 microscopes including TIRF, FRAP, confocal, widefield, multiphoton…). I need to come up with some sort of contract that users will sign after training before they are allowed on the machines. I have been scratching my head trying to find what to write in this contract since one cannot possibly write a long list of ‘don’t unplug this type of things and I cannot see how I could ask any user to be responsible and pay for damage if they break anything.


Could some of you send me offline an example of the contract you get people to sign for microscope usage?


Thanks for your help!


Med vänlig hälsning / Best regards





Sylvie Le Guyader

Dept of Biosciences and Nutrition

Karolinska Institutet


14157 Huddinge


+46 (0)8 608 9240


Sylvie Le Guyader-2 Sylvie Le Guyader-2
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Re: contract for microscope facility users

Hi Carl


Thanks a lot for your feedback. I totally agree with you but my boss insists on having a contract so I must come up with something. I think I will simply lay out 3 or 4 rules at the most and point out the price of a laser and an objective and ask people to sign as an acknowledgement that they have read. To me the most important thing is to establish a trust relationship with users so they never hesitate to call you when they are in trouble but at least I can come up with something to make my boss happy! ;)


Thanks for your help!


Med vänlig hälsning / Best regards





Sylvie Le Guyader

Dept of Biosciences and Nutrition

Karolinska Institutet


14157 Huddinge


+46 (0)8 608 9240

From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Carl Boswell
Sent: 03 December 2008 18:52
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: contract for microscope facility users


Hi Sylvie,

Unless you are required to have such a contract, I'm not sure much would be accomplished by having one.  In the case here, managing 6 systems on the main campus and the medical school, it is made clear during all training sessions that damage repair is the responsibility of the individual/lab which caused it.  When I mention the cost of some items, the new user usually sits up a bit straighter. 


At the same time, with both an online reservation system and a signup sheet at each instrument, it can be difficult to track down the actual person responsible for the incident.  If the damage goes unnoticed for a few days, the time of the incident, and hence who did it, gets lost.  The implication here is that the perpetrator is either unaware that there was a problem, or they were trying to escape responsibility.  Any time there have been cases of neglect that I could track (e.g., leaving the Hg lamp on all weekend), the guilty party and the PI have been very apologetic and quite willing to buy the facility a new lamp.  In the years managing these systems, I have yet to find someone unwilling to right an identifiable wrong. 


I guess my point is that a contract is not going to guarantee that you get satisfaction if a problem arises, and is not going to make individuals more or less responsible.  In my view, a "simple" list of correct and incorrect procedures should suffice to keep the system in good working order.  Most individuals are looking to use the system as efficiently as possible so they can get on with their projects.  In my view, a well thought out (and not overly detailed) Procedures handout is the best method to ensure proper behavior.






Carl A. Boswell, Ph.D.
Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of Arizona
FAX 520-621-3709

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 6:37 AM

Subject: contract for microscope facility users


Hi everyone


We have recently started a small multiuser live cell imaging unit (ultimately 6 microscopes including TIRF, FRAP, confocal, widefield, multiphoton…). I need to come up with some sort of contract that users will sign after training before they are allowed on the machines. I have been scratching my head trying to find what to write in this contract since one cannot possibly write a long list of ‘don’t unplug this type of things and I cannot see how I could ask any user to be responsible and pay for damage if they break anything.


Could some of you send me offline an example of the contract you get people to sign for microscope usage?


Thanks for your help!


Med vänlig hälsning / Best regards





Sylvie Le Guyader

Dept of Biosciences and Nutrition

Karolinska Institutet


14157 Huddinge


+46 (0)8 608 9240