To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. ***** Greetings, Can someone please point me to some references involving the theory behind darkfield microscopy? I understand the basic idea, but all I can find are different iterations of the basic idea that you block most of the light and only image scattered light. I'd like to learn a bit more about technical aspects of darkfield, i.e. what is the smallest object you can observe? What role do illumination power and camera exposure play in the quality of the final image. What role does specimen thickness/size play in the final image and can you discern objects of different size etc... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I simply need to read up on scattering theory? thanks.. -jeff |
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. ***** Jeff, See this paper: Vainrub, A., O. Pustovyy, and V. Vodyanoy, Resolution of 90 nm (lambda/5) in an optical transmission microscope with an annular condenser. Optics Letters, 2006. 31(19): p. 2855-2857. John Oreopoulos Staff Scientist Spectral Applied Research Inc. A Division of Andor Technology Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada www.spectral.ca On 2015-01-30, at 5:44 PM, Jeff Spector wrote: > ***** > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. > ***** > > Greetings, > Can someone please point me to some references involving the theory > behind darkfield microscopy? I understand the basic idea, but all I can > find are different iterations of the basic idea that you block most of the > light and only image scattered light. I'd like to learn a bit more about > technical aspects of darkfield, i.e. what is the smallest object you can > observe? What role do illumination power and camera exposure play in the > quality of the final image. What role does specimen thickness/size play in > the final image and can you discern objects of different size > etc... > Any help would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I simply need to read up on > scattering theory? > thanks.. > -jeff |
In reply to this post by Jeff Spector
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. ***** Hi Jeff, I bet you can see 50 nm particles, especially when 'dry mounted'. The best way is to try it yourself. Most today's (fluorescent) microscopes do not have immersion condensers, but you may get a pretty good idea if you use e. g. Olympus IX70 / IX80 microscope 'PH3' aperture for illumination and 10x-20 x objective (NA < 0.4). To detect weakly scattering/refracting objects you need 1. clean sample, 2. clean condenser. Quantitative treatment is always challenging. You may try to read on Mie theory, Raighley scattering and the like... Good luck! zdenek -- Zdenek Svindrych, Ph.D. W.M. Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (PLSB 003) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA http://www.kcci.virginia.edu/workshop/index.php ---------- Původní zpráva ---------- Od: Jeff Spector <[hidden email]> Komu: [hidden email] Datum: 30. 1. 2015 18:06:36 Předmět: darkfield references "***** To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. ***** Greetings, Can someone please point me to some references involving the theory behind darkfield microscopy? I understand the basic idea, but all I can find are different iterations of the basic idea that you block most of the light and only image scattered light. I'd like to learn a bit more about technical aspects of darkfield, i.e. what is the smallest object you can observe? What role do illumination power and camera exposure play in the quality of the final image. What role does specimen thickness/size play in the final image and can you discern objects of different size etc... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I simply need to read up on scattering theory? thanks.. -jeff" |
In reply to this post by Jeff Spector
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. ***** Hi Jeff, See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_field_microscopy John O cited: Vainrub, A., O. Pustovyy, and V. Vodyanoy, Resolution of 90 nm (lambda/5) in an optical transmission microscope with an annular condenser. Optics Letters, 2006. 31(19): p. 2855-2857. This is the CytoViva adapter - mnore on that at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CytoViva,_Inc http://www.cytoviva.com/products/microscopy-2/cytoviva-optical-performance/ http://www.cytoviva.com/wp-content/documents/CytoViva-Use-Manual-5-7-09.pdf Vainrub and CytoViva confuse "resolution' with "detection". See also http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23520500 PubMed search for: "darkfield microscopy" (with quotes) turned up 194 hits, going back to 1926 - many of the early papers are on venereal diseases, before microtubules start appearing in 1979, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/511939 (wow - a biochem dept with a light microscope). Many microscopes phase contrast turrets include a darkfield position ... also deliberately mismatching the objective lens and phase ring can get pretty good darkfield (sometimes helps to tweak condenser focus). 40x or higher objective lens with PhL condenser phase ring as one potential combination. Biggest problem: any dust anywhere in the entire optical path also scatters into the detection path. some of the dust is not (readily) accessible. Speaking of which - on inverted scopes I tape either a 50x50 mm neutral density filter(s) or a glass slide (or large glass coverslip) over the opening at the top of the condenser - decreases dust accumulation inside the condenser. Also lets me operate the tungsten bulb at a higher voltage of more stable output (I am looking forward to going to LEDs in the future). Enjoy, George On 1/30/2015 4:44 PM, Jeff Spector wrote: > ***** > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. > ***** > > Greetings, > Can someone please point me to some references involving the theory > behind darkfield microscopy? I understand the basic idea, but all I can > find are different iterations of the basic idea that you block most of the > light and only image scattered light. I'd like to learn a bit more about > technical aspects of darkfield, i.e. what is the smallest object you can > observe? What role do illumination power and camera exposure play in the > quality of the final image. What role does specimen thickness/size play in > the final image and can you discern objects of different size > etc... > Any help would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I simply need to read up on > scattering theory? > thanks.. > -jeff > > -- George McNamara, Ph.D. Single Cells Analyst L.J.N. Cooper Lab University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX 77054 Tattletales http://works.bepress.com/gmcnamara/42 |
In reply to this post by Jeff Spector
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. ***** Hi, Jeff The concept is really quite simple. Darkfield doesn't "block" the light. Rather, a darkfield system "conditions" the light. This is a bit difficult to do without a diagram, but let's try. First: There are two lens systems involved: The condenser and the objective. Step 1: The optics Imagine light approaching the CONDENSER in a bundle of parallel rays. The curve on the incoming side of the condenser causes the light to emerge at wide variety of angles (You can prove this by moving objectives out of the way and placing a business card on its edge over the condenser. P. S. - open the condenser aperture fully for this experiment). Light coming through the center "sees" the flat tangent of that curve so continues straight on. Light coming through the edges sees maximum angle of that curve so is bent at a high angle. The higher the NA of the condenser, the broader the range of angles emitted from the condenser. To simplifiy, use the optic axis as 0o (zero degrees) deviation. Hypothetically, the maximum angle emitted would be +/- 90o. (Interesting experiment: test the effect of opening and closing the condenser aperture on the angle emerging from the condenser. Second experiment: if you have a turret condenser, close the aperture and very slightly rotate the condenser so that the light approaches from other angles. Use the card to watch what happens to the angle). On the receiving side, the OBJECTIVE will collect a range of angles set by its numerical aperture (NA = n sine a, where n = refractive index of the medium between the top of the sample prep and sine a = sine of half the collecting angle). Step 2: The sample Light emitted from the condenser interacts with the specimen in a variety of ways (diffraction, refraction, reflection, fluorescence, etc.). The objective collects that light to form the image ("light is the messenger"). In the simplest terms, the image is formed by the interference between the undiffracted background light and the diffracted light from the specimen. The undiffracted light is responsible for the background of the image; the diffracted light contributes to resolution, edge fidelity, and intensity of the sample detail. Part of the image is also be formed by interference between specific of components of the diffracted light, but will not contribute to the background (a further discussion is beyond the scope of this posting). Step 3: Enter Darkfield The goal of a darkfield system is to select, at the condenser, only those peripheral rays which will emerge at a very high angle. We want to select those rays of light which will have such a high angle that they will miss being collected by the objective. Since this is undiffracted light, it contributes to the background information in the image. If we don't collect it (zero light), the background will be black (hence, the term "darkfield"). As in all imaging, some of this highly angled light WILL interact with the specimen. It will be scattered at the appropriate angles to be collected by the objective and go on to form an image. There are two general approaches for engendering darkfield microscopy: A central patch stop to block all rays except those highly angled peripheral rays or a highly curved, hemispherical mirror mounted in the condenser, which will reflect light at very high angles as it emerges from the condenser. The first approach creates angles effective to generate darkfield with lower NA objectives (about 0.15, associated with magnifications up to about 10x). The more elaborate mirror systems use oil immersion both between the condenser and the back of the slide and the top of the prep and the objective) and are effective for higher NAs (~1.4, associated with 60x or 100x oil immersion objectives). Regarding the smallest object you can "see": Darkfield is limited by DETECTION (how many photons of light can be scattered to form the image) not RESOLUTION (based on diffraction and the interaction with the undiffracted + diffracted light). The detection is limited by the light (quantum) efficiency of your optics and camera and, for direct viewing, your eye. Since your eye can detect just a few photons, using darkfield (especially the oil immersion variety) you will be able to "DETECT" objects as small as about 50-60nm. You won't be able to define their size or tell much about their shape or edges (parameters inherent in resolution), but you will be able to tell that something is there. ARTIFACTS: 1. Because the photons are coming to you from throughout the entire depth of the sample ("infinitely great" depth of field), unless the sample is thin, darkfield images will often be "busy" with images from one plane overlaying images from those above and below. 2. Because you are using a very narrow range of angles to illuminate the sample, the light is highly coherent, so you will see a lot of internal diffraction effects ("ringing" around the edges) 3. Because scatter is the main source of the imaging information, you will also see lot of local chromatic aberration (rainbows or colors at the edges). For that reason, we always recommend that you view the sample in brightfield first to asses if color is real or just an artifact of darkfield. SEVERAL OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER: Other imaging techniques remove the undiffracted, background-forming light, but other imaging parameters are in operation which determine whether they are diffraction or detection limited. EX 1: Polarized light (which IS diffraction limited) EX 2: DIC (which is based on polarized light) (which is also diffraction limited) EX 3: Fluorescence (which is detection limited) EX 4: CytoViva (cytoviva.com) use a darkfield condenser in a novel way which (a) actually improves resolution and (b) improves optical sectioning. It does so by placing the light source essentially at the front focal plane of the objective, changing part of the normal darkfield optics. As a result, it can actually RESOLVE fine detail on the order of 90 nm (my old eyes resolved at the 90nm level; the younger tech specialist which whom I had a chance to work early on, could resolve about 82nm on the Richardson test slide). And, unlike darkfield, it CAN optically section. Also, more recent work suggests that it does not suffer from the chromatic effects of conventional darkfield and, as a result, has been having considerable success in hyperspectral imaging. So, even though a darkfield condenser is involved and even though the image has a dark background, its behavior and capabilities put it into a category of its own. By the way, you can create your own darkfield patch stops using India Ink on overhead transparency film. To determine the size of the patch: 1. Set up Koehler illumination then move to a clear part of your slide 2. Remove the eyepiece and peer down the tube into the back focal place of the objective (BFPo) 3. Close the CONDENSER aperture until you can just barely see the edge of its leaves in the BFPo) 4, Gently remove the condenser from the microscope, flip it upside down, and measure the size of the opening of the aperture. That is the size you need for the patch stop. (Luckily, the manufacturers make these available for very little money). 5. To operate: make sure that the patch stop is in the Front Focal Plane of the condesner (in the location of the aperture iris. Also something fun: Rheinberg illumination was an important contrast technique in the mid 1800's and is derived from the same principle but uses colored patch stops instead of black. With a black patch stop on a white background, you get white images on a black field; With a green patch stop on a white background, you get white objects on a green field. One of my favorites is a blue patch stop on a yellow background, which gives you yellow objects on a blue field (a highly effective contrast combination for the human eye). I once taught a week long course for a company to whom counting filamentous mold was important. One of the biggest successes came by accident when we used Rheinberg with their samples. This combination made mold counting really easy! One note: you can make Rheinberg filters from any colored plastic film but may need to (a) use a double thickness to get good rich color and (b) crank up your light source. Hope this is all helpful. Good hunting! Barbara Foster, President & Chief Consultant Microscopy/Microscopy Education* www.MicroscopyEducation.com *A subsidiary of The Microscopy & Imaging Place, Inc. 7101 Royal Glen Trail, Suite A McKinney, TX 75070 P: 972-924-5310 F: 214-592-0277 MME is currently scheduling courses for now and through June 2015. Call us today for a free training evaluation. At 04:19 PM 1/30/2015, Jeff Spector wrote: >***** >To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: >http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy >Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. >***** > >Greetings, > Can someone please point me to some references involving the theory >behind darkfield microscopy? I understand the basic idea, but all I can >find are different iterations of the basic idea that you block most of the >light and only image scattered light. I'd like to learn a bit more about >technical aspects of darkfield, i.e. what is the smallest object you can >observe? What role do illumination power and camera exposure play in the >quality of the final image. What role does specimen thickness/size play in >the final image and can you discern objects of different size >etc... >Any help would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I simply need to read up on >scattering theory? >thanks.. >-jeff |
In reply to this post by Jeff Spector
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. ***** Jeff, concerning resolution, normal dark field is not any different from bright field, except maybe that Rayleigh may make more sense than Abbe, since you have a kind of self-luminous objects. In practical terms, resolution will be less since you have to cut down NA either from the objective or from the condenser. Concerning the smallest observable object, dark field is somewhat like fluorescence: Not the size is important, but the amount of light you can get out of it. If you want to dig deeper, the search term is ultramicroscopy, named so because it can visualize particles below the resolution limit. I estimate the term was en vogue from around 1900 to maybe the 1950ies. A 1902 experiment studied particles down to 4 nm, with sun light as light source, probably still the record for size: H. Siedentopf, R. Zsigmondy: Über Sichtbarmachung und Größenbestimmung ultramikroskopischer Teilchen, mit besonderer Anwendung auf Goldrubingläser. In: Annalen der Physik. 315, 1902, S. 1–39, doi:10.1002/andp.19023150102 Henry Siedentopf (Zeiss company) and Richard Zsigmondy also developed the initial version of the Slit-Ultramicroscope (Spaltultramikroskop), which uses an illumination principle much like todays light sheet fluorescence microscopes, to study colloids. There are two Nobels associated with the technique. Ultramicroscopy was used in the Millikan-Experiment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_drop_experiment) which was rewarded with the physics Nobel in 1923. And in 1925 Zsigmondy got the Chemistry Nobel for his colloid studies. His Nobel Lecture is online (http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1925/zsigmondy-lecture.pdf) Dark field seems to be particularly useful in visualizing living Spirochaete bacteria, thus the technique boomed from 1906 when the Syphilis bacteria where discovered. Concerning Rheinberg Illumination that Barbara mentioned, that was developed actually a little later than she thought: Julius Rheinberg of London first described it in 1896 (according to one source). In professional microscopy it seems to have been replaced mostly by phase contrast. But Hobbyists still use it to make beautiful images. If you should learn German anyway to read the Siedentopf & Zsigmondy paper (don't know if there is a translated version somewhere), you also can have a look at the German Wikipedia article on Dunkelfeldmikroskopie, which I think is quite good. But then, I may not be entirely impartial on that particular subject :-) Cheers Steffen Am 30.01.2015 um 23:44 schrieb Jeff Spector: > ***** > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. > ***** > > Greetings, > Can someone please point me to some references involving the theory > behind darkfield microscopy? I understand the basic idea, but all I can > find are different iterations of the basic idea that you block most of the > light and only image scattered light. I'd like to learn a bit more about > technical aspects of darkfield, i.e. what is the smallest object you can > observe? What role do illumination power and camera exposure play in the > quality of the final image. What role does specimen thickness/size play in > the final image and can you discern objects of different size > etc... > Any help would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I simply need to read up on > scattering theory? > thanks.. > -jeff > > > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Steffen Dietzel, PD Dr. rer. nat > Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München > Walter-Brendel-Zentrum für experimentelle Medizin (WBex) > Head of light microscopy > > Marchioninistr. 27 > D-81377 München > Germany |
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. ***** Hi, Steffen Many thanks for the correction on the date for Rheinberg! Funny... I think that that came from some ancient literature ... I will have to search my files to see if there is still a copy. One point about darkfield and NA: Actually, the rays emerging from the condenser are at the condenser's maximum NA. The cone in the middle excludes the components of smaller NAs. For this reason, patch stops will only work with low NA objectives. However, because only a narrow band of illumination is selected, the light is highly coherent. Again, scattering theory rather than diffraction theory determines what can be detected. Best regards Barbara Foster, President & Chief Consultant Microscopy/Microscopy Education* www.MicroscopyEducation.com "Education, not Training" MME is currently scheduling courses for now and through June 2015. Call us today for a free training evaluation. *A subsidiary of The Microscopy & Imaging Place, Inc. 7101 Royal Glen Trail, Suite A - McKinney, TX 75070 - P: 972-924-5310 At 04:31 AM 2/2/2015, you wrote: >***** >To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: >http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy >Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. >***** > >Jeff, > >concerning resolution, normal dark field is not any differfent from >bright field, except maybe that Rayleigh may make more sense than Abbe, >since you have a kind of self-luminous objects. In practical terms, >resolution will be less since you have to cut down NA either from the >objective or from the condenser. Concerning the smallest observable >object, dark field is somewhat like fluorescence: Not the size is >important, but the amount of light you can get out of it. If you want to >dig deeper, the search term is ultramicroscopy, named so because it can >visualize particles below the resolution limit. I estimate the term was >en vogue from around 1900 to maybe the 1950ies. > >A 1902 experiment studied particles down to 4 nm, with sun light as >light source, probably still the record for size: H. Siedentopf, R. >Zsigmondy: Ãber Sichtbarmachung und GröÃenbestimmung >ultramikroskopischer Teilchen, mit besonderer Anwendung auf >Goldrubingläser. In: Annalen der Physik. 315, 1902, S. 139,, >doi:10.1002/andp.19023150102 > >Henry Siedentopf (Zeiss company) and Richard Zsigmondy also developed >the initial version of the Slit-Ultramicroscope (Spaltultramikroskop), >which uses an illumination principle much like todays light sheet >fluorescence microscopes, to study colloids. > >There are two Nobels associated with the technique. >Ultramicroscopy was used in the Millikan-Experiment >(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_drop_experiment) which was rewarded >with the physics Nobel in 1923. >And in 1925 Zsigmondy got the Chemistry Nobel for his colloid studies. >His Nobel Lecture is online >(http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1925/zsigmondy-lecture.pdf) > >Dark field seems to be particularly useful in visualizing living >Spirochaete bacteria, thus the technique boomed from 1906 when the >Syphilis bacteria where discovered. > >Concerning Rheinberg Illumination that Barbara mentioned, that was >developed actually a little later than she thought: Julius Rheinberg of >London first described it in 1896 (according to one source). In >professional microscopy it seems to have been replaced mostly by phase >contrast. But Hobbyists still use it to make beautiful images. > >If you should learn German anyway to read the Siedentopf & Zsigmondy >paper (don't know if there is a translated version somewhere), you also >can have a look at the German Wikipedia article on >Dunkelfeldmikroskopie, which I think is quite good. But then, I may not >be entirely impartial on that particular subject :-) > >Cheers >Steffen > > >Am 30.01.2015 um 23:44 schrieb Jeff Spector: > > ***** > > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > > Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting. > > ***** > > > > Greetings, > > Can someone please point me to some references involving the theory > > behind darkfield microscopy? I understand the basic idea, but all I can > > find are different iterations of the basic idea that you block most of the > > light and only image scattered light. I'd like to learn a bit more about > > technical aspects of darkfield, i.e. what is the smallest object you can > > observe? What role do illumination power and camera exposure play in the > > quality of the final image. What role does specimen thickness/size play in > > the final image and can you discern objects of different size > > etc... > > Any help would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I simply need to read up on > > scattering theory? > > thanks.. > > -jeff > > > > > > -- > > ------------------------------------------------------------ > > Steffen Dietzel, PD Dr. rer. nat > > Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München > > Walter-Brendel-Zentrum für experimentelle Medizin (WBex) > > Head of light microscopy > > > > Marchioninistr. 27 > > D-81377 München > > Germany |
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