developing a phantom for light microscopes

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Richard Cole Richard Cole
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developing a phantom for light microscopes

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I could use some of the lists’ collective wisdom/experience on this project.
As part of the next phase of quality assurance testing of light microscopes
(see references at the bottom of email for past tests) the ABRF light
microscopy research group (
) is developing a phantom that can be imaged on different light microscope
platforms (both wide-field and confocal).  We are trying to develop
something akin to the phantoms that are used for CAT, PET scans.  


The ideal phantom would be;  ~100um thick, fluorescent,  composed of fibers
of at least three different diameters (~5,25 & 50µM) and have three
different bleach rates ( i.e. couldn’t bleach if you tried, fluorescein  and
something in between).  Ideally, all samples would have identical 3D
structure, but this is not completely necessary.   We are planning on giving
away these samples similar to the last two sets, therefore keeping the cost
down is a necessity.  


Here is where I am at:


Micro-fluidics would be great, but unless someone volunteers to take on the
development the $ is too high.


Can use Swiffer fiber (never bleach) and other fluorochromes soaked fibers
(think fibers from filter paper or Kimwipes).


Any suggestions/past experience would be greatly appreciated.




Recent paper from the ABRF light microscopy research group:


Stack, R., Bayles, C., Girard, A., Martin, K., Opansky, C., Schulz, K., and
Cole, R. (2011) Quality Assurance Testing for Modern Optical Imaging
Systems. Microscopy & Microanalysis 17(4):598-606. DOI:


Cole, R.W., Jinadasa, T., and Brown, C.M. (2011) Resolution and Quality
Control of Confocal Microscopy Optics. Nature Prot. 6 (12): 1929–1941.



Richard Cole
Research Scientist V
Director: Advanced Light Microscopy Core Unit
Wadsworth Center


Research Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
School of Public Health State University of New York

P.O. Box 509 Albany N.Y. 12201-0509
518-474-7048 Phone
518-474-4430 Fax


Email  <mailto:[hidden email]> [hidden email]

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