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Hello everybody,
I am using a Leica TCS (HCI) LSI Microscope (highcontent imaging) System.
Usually I use the motorized zoom system like the Leica Z6 APO, but I also
want to use some micro objectives with the Objective adapter.
When I use the Z6 APO the focus is very easy to adjust. When I use the
objective adapter with one of the micro objectives (40x or 60x) however, it is
very hard to find the focal plane since the coarse drive of the focus motor is
too rough and there is no fine coarse.
The only possibility to get a fine drive is to use the Galvanometer stage, but
with this device you just have a travel range of about 500um. One can image
with this setup but you need to be very careful or you crash your samples and
destroy a lot of scientific time.
Has anyone experience with this microscope? And how do you handle this
problem? Or are there any devices I can put below the objective e.g. a kind of
lifting platform?
Thanks in advance for your help!