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Dear All-
BioImagingUK has been working on ways to understand the contributions,
recognition and career paths of scientific research staff who provide
imaging services in the biological sciences. Towards this end, we’ve
interviewed several Imaging Scientists in the UK, at many different levels,
institutions and fields.
The interviews are compiled and summarised at
Discussion is welcome on this list or on Twitter with #imagingscientist.
We hope these interviews and summaries help provide a clear statement of
who Imaging Scientists are, how they contribute to the scientific
enterprise and maybe most importantly, how different universities and
research institutes engage with these critical staff.
Let us know your thoughts, comments and ideas.
Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression
School of Life Sciences
University of Dundee
Dundee DD1 5EH
United Kingdom
phone (01382) 385819
Intl phone: 44 1382 385819
FAX (01382) 388072
[hidden email]
Lab Page:
http://www.lifesci.dundee.ac.uk/people/jason-swedlowOpen Microscopy Environment: