job post

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Marco Dal Maschio Marco Dal Maschio
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job post

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Goodmorning listers,
I'd like to inform you about two postdoctoral positions now available (at
the end of this email)
in the Neuroscience and Brain Technologies Department
at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genova.
Basically, the first project is  focused on technolgogical development of
imaging tools:
the second one is more neuroscience oriented application of imaging tools.

We strongly encourage applications.

Thanks in advance for your collaboration
My best regards

Marco Dal Maschio

Postdoctoral fellow

Dept. Neuroscience and Brain Technologies

Italian Institute of Technology

Via Morego 30, 16163 Genova


Email: [hidden email]

Phone: 0039 01071781-551


Advanced optical approaches for the investigation of the central nervous

Starting date: 11-1-2012.

Duration: 2 years.

Deadline for application: until position is filled.

We invite applications for one postdoctoral position focusing on the
development and application of innovative microendoscopes for the study of
brain function *in vivo*. We aim at using microfabrication approaches to
develop a novel generation of microendoscopes with improved optical
characteristics and test their performances for optical recordings in deep
brain areas. The project is based on recent technical developments
(Liberale et al. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 2010, Dal Maschio et al.
Optics Express 2010, Dal Maschio et al. Optics Letters 2011) and will be
carried out in collaboration between the Department of Neuroscience and
Brain Technologies and the Nanostructures Facility at the Italian Institute
of Technology. Applicants should have a strong background in optics, with
specific focus on applied optics for neuroscience applications, be highly
independent and have a strong propensity for interdisciplinary research.
Prior experience with the use of optical design softwares (e.g. Zemax or
ASAP) would be advantageous. Candidates must hold a PhD in physics,
engineering or a related discipline and be highly motivated and creative
individuals who want to work in a dynamic, multi-disciplinary research

Applications (full CV, two recommendation letters, statement of research
interest) should be sent by email to Dr. Tommaso Fellin (
[hidden email]) and Dr. Carlo Liberale ([hidden email]).
Applications will be considered until the position is filled.


Functional dissection of neocortical circuits with advanced optical

Starting date: 11-1-2012.

Duration: 2.

Deadline for application: until position is filled.

We invite applications for one postdoctoral position focusing on the
development and application of innovative optical approaches to the study
of neocortical network function *in vivo*. We aim at using structured light
illumination by phase modulation in combination with fluorescent activity
reporters and microbial opsin expression to investigate the functional
connectivity between identified cellular subtypes in superficial layers of
the mouse neocortex. The project is based on recent technical developments
achieved by our group (Dal Maschio et al. Optics Express 2010, Dal Maschio
et al. Optics Letters 2011) and will be carried out in the Department of
Neuroscience and Brain Technologies at the Italian Institute of Technology,
in collaboration with laboratories at the Department of Neurobiology at
Harvard Medical School, USA. Applicants should have a strong background in
optics, functional imaging of the brain with fluorescent probes,
preferentially in living rodents, optogenetics and should have interest in
the cellular physiology of cortical microcircuits. Successful applicants
should also be willing to learn a variety of complementary techniques
ranging from the expression of transgenes via virus injection or in utero
electroporation, to *in vivo* electrophysiology (patch-clamp, multiunit and
local field potential recordings). Candidates must hold a PhD in
neuroscience, biology, physics or a related discipline and be highly
motivated and creative individuals who want to work in a dynamic,
multi-disciplinary research environment. Previous experience with
optogenetics and functional imaging in rodents *in vivo* is highly

Applications (full CV, two recommendation letters, statement of research
interest) should be sent by email to Dr. Tommaso Fellin (
[hidden email]) and Dr. John Assad ([hidden email]). Applications
will be considered until the position is filled.

Marco Dal Maschio
Neuroscience and Brain Technologies Department
Fondazione Istituto Italiano di tecnologia
via Morego 30,16163 Genova

email    [hidden email]
phone   0039-01071781-551